I’ll bring a clarification - this does not mean traffic is coming to EA. There are a lot of fixes that EA users can benefit and that are not specific to traffic.
There is still work to do on traffic before releasing to EA
I’ll bring a clarification - this does not mean traffic is coming to EA. There are a lot of fixes that EA users can benefit and that are not specific to traffic.
There is still work to do on traffic before releasing to EA
It says build, rather than fixes.
This build will be made available on the Early Access branch once its been proved stable.
Read into that what you want.
Minor Update 1.3.14.Experimental
Visual Vectors - rewrite of visual vector code to take into account altitudes more accurately and improve turns on to final. A poll to gauge the overall improvement is available for supporters.
Fix runway data - in 1.3.13 a change had impacted the runway data for traffic airports (i.e. the ones only traffic is flying to) giving incorrect runway identifiers amongst other issues and also the ‘Look rotation viewing vector is zero’ log entries. This is resolved.
Fatal Model Extract Error - in 1.3.13 a change to pull more data from the model files lead to a fatal crash if AIG models are out of date in the user install. This should no longer crash but you should still run AIG Model Manager to ensure your models are up to date or they will not be used.
1.3.13 was planned to go to EA but given the fixes in 1.3.14, it will become the next EA build instead once proved stable. Traffic will remain an experimental only feature for the foreseeable future while we continue to bring it up to beta state.
Very glad to see this. I got turned to a short final at KTPA runway 1L last night while I was still at 5,000’ and unable to descend to the waypoint altitude of 2,600’ in the very short track distance available.
I also desperately want the devs to let you, the simmer, request an approach. Yeah, I get that might interfere with the AI traffic flow but so what? It’s MY sim, not the ghost planes’ being moved by BATC. In my example above, I had been planning the ILS and the VNAV was descending me for a longer downwind than the very short turn-in BATC wanted me to fly for the visual.
Umm, just had a flight and while I was quite distracted single piloting a 2 crew aircraft I realised that there was no way I was going to land from that position. So I tried to declare missed, but since I was on frequency with Approach there was just no such option. I had to tune to tower, check in with him (TWR immediately cleared me to land) and only then I could say that I will go around.
Is that how it is supposed to go?
That’s how I believe it currently goes in BAT, you can only declare a missed approach to the tower controller… In real life, of course, you wouldn’t be in such a situation and even if you were Approach would accept your “Missed” decision.
Hopefully with the new coding this won’t happen again, but it’s all still “experimental” so we’ll have to wait and see.
I tried a visual approach into KIAD today with the new update (PMDG 737-800), and it was very reasonable in terms of headings and altitudes. More data is needed though, plus I need to try a 777 to see if I’m given more distance.
And yes, agree wholeheartedly with @DrVenkman3876 that the ability to request an approach is close to #1 on my personal priority list. It’s been almost more fun flying in Europe where it’s almost always ILS or RNAV.
KIAD was a bit rainy, and I stretched the truth when I said “Field in sight”. Of course, I wanted to test visual anyways.
It’s on the backlog.
Hi all, I’ve done a couple of flights now using BATC and really enjoying the product. Only issue I keep having is when I’m near destination airport on my flight planned route I get vectored to a certain heading which I follow but then ATC seems to not give me any other headings in order to intercept the localiser or get anywhere near it.
As ATC give no further instructions or headings to follow I end up just altering my heading myself to get back on flight plan course for my landing approach as it seems ATC just seems to have forgotten all about me and to drift off into the distance
Any help appreciated as it’s probably me not doing something correctly
All my flights so far have been in the Fenix A320 with rotes between Edinburgh and Luton.
I’ve been having the same problem. It seems unable to vector me anywhere near the final approach point–either an ILS or a visual approach. One time when I was almost lined up for the approach ATC said “OK, let’s try that again” and took me in another wide circle.
I would recommend you to post your findings on discord. People are very helpful over there to help you out.
BATC is still an early release/experimental programme and is constantly being improved. The vectoring problem mentioned is well known and being looked at but will get done in due course. The devs have always been very open that it is nowhere near a finished project and, indeed, you have to acknowledge that when installing. However, IMO, it is still far and away better than anything else currently on the market.
It’s worth subscribing to Discord just for BATC!
yep fully understand its in early access so no problem at all as I’m sure it will get sorted at some point. Just wasn’t sure if it was something I was doing wrong or missing during descent/approach phase.
I’m in the “Supporters Group” with access to the Traffic capability. The code used to vector to final (Visual or ILS) used to be very inconsistent, i.e. sharp turns, way-too-high, way-too-close to the runway, etc., but recently was made much better. However, I’m 90% sure that this particular code base was pushed to the main code. Almost all of my approaches have been near ideal recently. And yes, echo others that they are generally very responsive in their Discord.
Maybe I’ll try your Edinburgh/Luton routes this weekend to see if I can repro…could be airport specific.
Unless - heaven forbid - you remind the devs that this is a SINGLE-PLAYER sim tool, and they should prioritize development of the option for you, the person who bought the product to use themselves as a single player sim tool, to request a different approach, or a different takeoff runway option. Ask me how I know.
I’ve started looking at this, and I have two main questions.
Will BATC give you progressive taxi or turn on the taxi ribbon, or otherwise help you navigate on the ground? Alternatively, will it yell at you if you don’t go the correct way? I don’t have access to charts to reference.
Is there a menu based set of actions and replies, or voice interaction only? This one would be a make or break deal for me since my environment is noisy in the background and I don’t want to have to try speaking over it.
I’ve tried searching for these answers a bit, but haven’t found anything answering one way or another.
1: no extra instructions but a taxi map with a visual route which work well. Currently no follow up if you do wrong taxi path, I guess it will gome in the future.
2: both voice and menu with options, also auto response.
Yep, menu system works great, plus you can change both Auto Respond and Auto Frequency Tune on and off “on the fly”. I’ll usually do all the calls/tuning from clearance delivery until cruise altitude, and then turn those both on at cruise if I’m doing other things in the house.
Your Auto Respond “copilot” can be one of several generic voices, or else you can pick from several well-known flightsim Youtubers like Squirrel or EasySimJetPilot (though you have to pay extra for those premium voices).
BATC is (mostly) good to go!
Do note the caveats re models, model/livery matching, animations, etc. But BATC itself seems ready for FS2024.