Big Holes, Part 2 - the other view

As always, it was a fun flight searching for the big AZ crater with @OrigBullethead . I had a few moments before BH was in sim, so I thought I’d wait at KSEZ since it’s “starred” airport. I have never been there in the sim or IRL, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t even look how long the runway is. :slight_smile: Take a risk! It’ll be fun! I decided to fly the Shock Ultra, and was shocked how ultra slow this junker is!

Hey look! I didn’t know KSEZ had 747-8 service! Here’s one landing, with spoilers deployed.

Oh. . .that pour guy was trying to leave. I saw him fall off the mesa, and all I could hear was AFP95 saying “RIP!” :rofl:

I turned on nameplates just to see who it was. . .because, here’s attempt #2! “Boeing 1 heavy, disregard the taxiway, cleared for takeoff, no delay!”

Oh, this is total drone moment! @FinalArc34678 stood on the brakes this time, and I saw no spoilers.

It was awesome from the drone, since I heard the engines spool up, but he was clearly sitting on the brakes. . .

I zoomed ahead to see what would happen. Do I need popcorn?

Godspeed Finalarc!

Oh good, @OrigBullethead is at the other end of the runway. He recommended we have a joust match, but even in the Shock Ultra’s we were in, we probably wouldn’t even be able to knock each other off the proverbial horse, given the S-U’s walking pace for a takeoff roll.

After I cut in front of some A320neo to take off, BH declared an emergency. Apparently his primary controls seized up, which made for some interesting flying spectacles. Power and rudder are all you need though! Or not. . .? “Looks like you’re about to stall, buddy!”

I wish I had this in a video, but he executed a perfect hammer head!

After the control fiasco was figured out (via a reboot) we decided to at least start closer to the crater. And this time I made sure to have live traffic etc, since BH couldn’t see me. (I originally had all traffic set. oops!) We left Winslow in slow shock ultras. . .these things will never live down their geriatric meandering pace. . .and headed off into the sunset.

I didn’t get a good pic of the crater at dusk, but I dove in and landed to watch BH come down like he was in an invisible elevator. . .

The departure was a bit odd, in it’s reverse corkscrew / opposite-tactical landing spiral ascent method:

We survived the trek out to whatever that strip was right near the crater itself. Oddly, I touched down, braked, and pulled back ever so slightly on the stick to plant the tail for taxi back. . .but apparently the bones in this plane couldn’t handle it and the sim declared I “damaged the landing gear.” I was shocked and ultra annoyed, but so goes the sim life. :rofl:

Onto the caldera flight over in the far east. . .or far west–which ever direction works. It was pretty there, with some pretty clouds and as BH pointed out, a bunch of cliffs surrounding the lake.

It made for some great MVFR formation flying. . .

. . .and diving at the hotels. . .or whatever those tall buildings are. . .

I love the clouds in this sim!

BH insisted that we needed 6500’ to clear the ridge, but I had none of that. 5500’ was plenty (to scratch my Extra’s belly on the tree tops!)

The airstrip was on the far side of the hill. . .

I followed BH and made the mistake of asking for landing clearance. :rofl:

After an almost perfect simultaneous touchdown, tower (does this place even have a tower?) started yelling at me to clear the runway. I happily ignored and was told that “ATC services terminated.” I guess what is a controller going to do? “You weren’t cleared to land! Get off the runway! Fine! Service terminated!” He should have given me the real scare. . .“Call this number.” :open_mouth: :rofl:

And. . .parked. Off to sleep!


That was a good time! Wish I could have seen the 747 take off with spoilers :smiley:

The ultra slow Ultra Shock is fun for doing stupid plane tricks in tight spaces, but it’s definitely boring for a trip of more than a couple miles unless the scenery is worth looking at for extended periods, or changes faster than the plane moves :slight_smile: . I think its favored habitat is hopping from the roof of 1 skyscraper to another. Might have to try that next time before going back to something faster.

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