Bing Satellite scenery seems inverted loaded

Steam version

Some plane mods installed, but no scenery.
DEV mode disabled

Bing satellite imaginary doesn’t seem to work anymore, in fact it seems inverted. In the distance in screenshot you can see the actual satellite pictures, however in my LOD circle it actively loads a standard land class replacement. Even if the satellite images where already loaded.

`PC specs for those who want to assist
W10 H121
3700X + 6900XT + 32GB DDR4 3600 + 1TB NVME

15GB rolling cache enabled

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
Current (

Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?
Not yet, but you never get a reply anyway.

I have tried to disable and enable bing satellite images, I have checked my internet connection (ping 12, 150Mb Down, 40 up). So I don’t know what’s going wrong. It was working just fine before.

I have also removed my cache and enabled it again.

The worst thing is that it actually loads the satellite image out of view but as soon as I look at them again, they go away again

it might be the same issue of textures for different lod that ar loading in as you come close. That means, you flying there and the distance LOD has a specific texture, as you get closer a higher res texture would load in, if there’s one. So it comes down to either the slow network connection, slow engine streaming, or the texture just doesn’t exist (anymore).

Wow that Germany bug looks even worse than mine. The strange thing is that I have encountered this everywhere I go in the US so far.

Also, at least in the Germany bug you see the actual satellite images, I only have ugly land class type LOD.

true, though ObsidianAnt had this bug in other places as well. (i think Caribbean) i was just able to track it to this specific loacation and even mapped it. (further down the thread.)

There was / is a server issue most probably affecting the Bing imagery that were not displaying.

Yesterday it was not working here. This morning it is.

This thread talks about it:
[BUG LOGGED] No streaming data working, photogrammetry and bing maps just stopped working - Bugs & Issues / Online Services & Activities - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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