Black and white or Colour?

I never really contemplated a black and white MSFS image, but the more I look, the more I see a different dimension that I really do like. What’s your opinion?

Black and white can be very atmospheric in films but I must admit I have never tried it in a flight sim. Not sure to be honest but I’m certainly not going to knock it before I’ve tried it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Id say it depends on the plane… if its more of a vintage prop or something ww2 or before it seems to be cool

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I already postet some screenshots with the “old photo” filter in the Junkers F13 thread.
Even with this simple filter I really like the vintage touch… :slight_smile:

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Color. I never do black and white, but I do occasionally mess around with sepia tone. Then I blur the photo a bit to match the slight out-of-focusness of old photos and add some light film grain.


That actually works really well…

black and white looks great for vintage planes.

You are right!

But sepia looks awesome too! And adds +100 years older bonus.

(Sorry but was no better airplane than this in 1820, but it last drove faster than farmer Johns favorite donkey!)