Black avionics

I can’t see anything on the avionics on the aircraft, it’s all black. this started June 18th I would say and I didn’t want to post anything for some reason. Now it’s still black.

do you have any community mods installed?

no i dont.

Try downloading the Flybywire A32NX mod and see if the issue is there :wink: This mod has hardly any issues and does not contain bugs from the default A320. Also try other aircraft and see if the problem happens, still try the mod though.

Microsoft Store version
Developer Mode

Issue: While creating a flight plan on the 787, avionics shut down half way through


I am programming the flight plan into the FMS. At some point, all avionics just shut down. There are no displays any more, while the battery remains on

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I have the same problem with the C172 and it’s not possible to pop out the GNS430 and the Transponder in the DV-20 (this is just broken in the Diamond DV-20) since Sim Update 6

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Topic merge incoming…

Primarily an Xbox issue, but some report it on PC.

I am having the exact same issues. One little thing that I have noticed is if I right click and hold (the cockpit free look) the displays pop back up. if I hold it longer before releasing the mouse button the display’s stay on longer… Of course they turn back off after a few moments though. I figured there would be a fix by now!

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