Possibly spark plug fowling during taxiing? Lean about 50% after landing for ground operations. Or, possibly you aren’t letting the turbocharger cool down before shutdown? I believe it needs a few minutes for the turbocharger to slow down and cool off before you shut down.
Do you need one?
Thanks. I have been letting the plane idle a little while before shutting it down. Maybe I need to give it longer. Last time I tried the oil temp (or maybe it was CHT) was getting pretty low on the gauge, so I assumed all would be well. A second or so after I pulled the mixture and switched off the mags the engine went from 100% to 99%.
I’ll try more patience.
I bought this the other day, and having a lot of fun with it, but have a couple of issues that I have not yet resolved.
Try as I might I have not yet completed a C&D startup, even using VC controls. If I CTRL+E start the plane, the cut the fuel off, then attempt start it works, so I’m assuming this is a fuel flow issue. But I can see looking down I do have the fuel set to either left or right tanks.
Over to SPAD, I’ve had no luck with the ignition switch for position 4:
Positions 0 to 3 work perfectly, but 4 does nothing, not even the animation. I have to do that step by mouse in the VC, and coupled with the first issue its a little frustrating.
Partially solved with using “starter held” to 1, then back to 0 when on both/all, though the physical switch still does not animate to the start position.
Prop de-ice doesn’t seem to work either.
Neither the switch animating, or actually detecting increase current flow on the meter.
Other than this its a fantastic plane to fly.
@hobanagerik I dug into the Prop Deice behavior template and unfortunately this uses a stock Asobo template. For just control, K:TOGGLE_PROPELLER_DEICE works. But the only way that I discovered to both animate and control was using a BVAR (B:DEICE_Propeller_1, Number). There is more discussion here - Undocumented LVARs not a sign of lack of commitment from Black Square | Just Flight Community . One can hope that the promised Bonanza update from BKSQ will include LVAR improvement for cockpit builders.
I’m not understanding your question. Are you having trouble starting the plane, or getting the events working.
If it’s starting the plane, with low wing aircraft, you can’t feed the fuel with gravity at start. So, at least in Pipers, you need to have the fuel pump going before you prime the engine, and keep the fuel pump on until it’s started.
If it’s connecting the buttons, ain’t got a clue…
Yes, I’m assuming its something I’m doing wrong with starting the engine. It’s odd that it starts up every time with CTRL+E, then after immediate shutdown I’m able to start it myself, so I assumed that CTRL+E was doing something I wasn’t. I just never managed to myself from spawn in, even following the built-in checklist. In case it was something with my SPAD config I used the VC switch to start with no luck.
I’ll re-test.
Thanks for that. I’ll give it a go.
Really loving this plane.
I think I may have found what was causing the starter issue, but I need to re-test, but it was much simpler than @N4790G suggest, whose config didn’t work for me, and actually stopped the starter from turning over.
It looks like an issue with the fuel pump switch. From a cold start, when I flip my switch it should set the pump to HI. But I don’t hear any audio to indicate this has happened, although I see the switch actually animate. If I flip the switch by hand on, and off, then my physical switch works, and I hear the audio.
I’ll probably investigate that tomorrow, along with why the OBS stuff isn’t working with my existing config, which works on other planes.
Essentially I use the auto throttle switch to decide whether I am altering NAV 1 or 2 (I also use the autothrottle switch when starting twins, so I can decide which engine gets started, either left or right), and in addition to that, if OBS is enabled, then NAV1 actually adjusts the OBS angle. At least it should, so I expect this is some black square shenanigans.
This is a common issue with some plane in MSFS. When they load, they do NOT always sync with the physical state of hardware switches. – so need the switch to be operated, ON/OFF/ON to send events and get synced.
TOGGLE event can cause this to be an issue, and they can catch you, unless you actively check the synchronization on Aircraft load
Yes, I want to revisit this tonight. I knew it was something fuel related, but didn’t even think of the pump. I assigned the LVARs for fuel on or off, saw the switch move, then moved on to the next one. I’ll double check that it really doesn’t work from cold, but works when I move the VC switch. If that is the case I’ll probably also assign a SimConnect event to run the actual pumps, but leave in the LVAR’s so the switches are animated.
I’m not totally fussed about how it works, as long as it does.
I think I solved the fuel pump issue.
I added the G36 settings. I also noticed that with the fuel pump on, with the throttle advanced forward enough to put fuel flow into the green, then a good engine start works for me reliably.
I also got around to solving an issue that I was putting off, but actually turned out to be really easy. The last time I looked at OBS might have been over a year ago so perhaps it was resolved in the meantime.
Essentially there are three sets of clockwise/counterclockwise turns as well as a display value.
The first two are with OBS off, with autothrottle set to 0 it displays, and adjusts OBS 1, on the HSI. If autothrottle is set to 1, then it displays, and adjusts OBS 2 shown on VOR2.
If OBS is set on the 530, and autothrottle is set to 0, then it adjusts the OBS angle shown on the HSI. Autothrottle 1 does nothing with OBS enabled.
Yes, this sounds exactly what should be required (along with some priming unless it’s direct injection I think) and how it should work. Current engine and outside temperature should also affect how much you open the throttle on starting.
The start-up checklist mentions opening the throttle a half inch, but I don’t think that’s enough to get it started. Ignoring that, and going for bottom of the green arc on fuel flow works, though from memory I don’t remember how far forward that is on the throttle.
Even in real life, I have to adjust the throttle during starting to get it to kick. It’ll change, as I noted, with OAT and engine temp.
we can’t open the door in the bonanza ? strange because all is functional but not the doors ? why ?
The mod still uses the default Asobo model. Opening doors are not modeled into the 3d mesh. Nothing Blacksquare can do about that apart from providing a custom 3d model.
I got this package last week, and it’s my go-to plane now. I love the immersion, even controlling the cabin temperature! I was inspired to learn about the old school RNAV KNS-81 system. However, on a restart of a flight, that unit comes up dark/off, as does the KDI572 DME, Engine Monitor, Altitude selector, and the Color Weather Radar comes up non-functional. This is very repeatable. I checked all the circuit breakers and they’re ok. Too bad there’s no Discord for Black Square, but monitoring that can take a lot of time.
Has anyone else seen this?
LATER: This problem popped up in the Baron on a clean start with even more avionics off. Tested all the breakers and toggled the Avionics Master several times.
I had something similar going on.
I think toggling the avionics on and off a few times may have fixed it when it occurred. Worth a try .
Thanks for the notes…
I’ll try the avionics switch. I was also curious about what that set might have in common. Perhaps cycling a breaker might also reset the units. I’ll try next time to see if any of them do the trick.