Black Square Analog - DME Not Working for VOR?

I’ve been doing some old-school VOR flying in the amazing Black Square Aircraft (Caravan, Bonanza, and just got the Baron yesterday). I’ve found several occasions where I’m tuned into a VORDME but the DME panel shows zero distance I specifically did a VOR approach to KTEX Telluride, using the ETL VOR, which is indicated in Navigraph as a low powered VORDME. It never showed the distance either towards or away from the station, even if I tuned both receivers to the VOR station and switched the DME panel to either N1 or N2.

On other occasions, when heading directly to a VOR (verified by GPS map), it shows the correct distance, but the relative speed and time to the station is way off (like half the speed and double the expected time). I’ve tuned the KNS-81 RNAV unit to the VOR frequency, and it does show the correct speed, however.

Am I doing anything wrong? Both cases above occurred when I was plenty close to the station, so it’s not a radio signal isue.

I just spawned on the ramp at KTEX in the BKSQ Bonanza, tuned to ETL, and the 530 is showing distance.


I also tuned NAV2 to it, and you can see the DME is working also.


wich avionics like gtn750 version are you using ? and other avionics ? are they up to date ?

On other occasions, when heading directly to a VOR (verified by GPS map)

could it be affected by cdi source ? I never have issue with vor distances, sometime got speed & time not displaying correct value when flying outbound wich is normal imo

Interesting. I’m going to try to repro this shortly.

I’m using the PMS50 GTN750 free version for now (may get the TDS eventually).

also you have to be aware that all vor does not display distances as they can be not coupled to a dme

I spawned at nearby KMTJ airport, DME worked fine while on the ground. Maybe it was some sync error with the avionics yesterday? No big deal, since not everything always works in real life…but just curious if i did anything wrong. Next time this happens, maybe I’ll change the BKSQ avionics switches around mid-flight to see if that fixes anything.

@NiKoTin3420 That was the first thing I checked, to make sure ETL was a VORDME.


My obs needle is not working on any black square aircraft

yea I’m having the same issue, tuning a VOR, but obs needle is not responsive.