Black Square King Air v0.1.3 Can't start

Not even using my own hardware, but just with the mouse.

I’m following the checklists perfectly but the torque goes up to 20%, sits there for a few minutes and then dies. It’s like the fuel is never introduced even though the condition levers are where they need to be at the proper time. I’m sitting at the gate, with external power on.


hey one more user has reported the same issue and has been able to fix it by performing a clean uninstall (via windows app panel) rebooting his pc and reinstalled the aircraft. I would add switching few time the aircraft in the hangar may help to reload the file and be sure the sim isn’t using outdated files within his cache.

have you tried ? I guess you have checked all active faillures and engine conditions already … have you tried removing all others add on to exclud a potential conflict ?

All your avionics are up to date ? (pms50 or TDS, gns530WT or the pms one ?) wich sim version are you running ?

maybe try redownloading the king air installer I remember one case that has fixed the issue someone was experiencing.

It’s the same old routine… Make sure everything is updated, all the latest bits and bytes are installed correctly, empty the community folder, stand on your head and sing the national anthem…

However, I was successful after uninstalling it, rebooting, reinstalling. Starts like a charm now. (But who knows for how long! :wink: )


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I have the same issue, can not start the King Air. I tried the uninstall, reboot, and reinstall, but it did not work for me. Any other thoughts?

Same here, stopped working on the 12 of april out of the blue with the same issue. Tried reinstalling, the plane start the first flight but stopped again the next one. Now I can’t use it.

Same here. Can start the right engine, but never the left engine. Doing everything based on the checklists. Weird.

Mod Conflict causing it?