I just got email from JustFlight with discount offer. Analog King Air is 20% off for Analog Caravan owners.
I think I like these devs alot.
Great update to the analog Caravan, and a 20% discount on the King Air
Also much respect for waiting until it was done, instead of rushing it. Fatigue is very real thing in aviation (as a retired airline pilot, I can attest to that!), and I assume also in software development. Better to take the needed time to rest and do it right.
Brilliant! Who is going to open the new Kingair thread?
Lots of good news today! Didn’t expect a Caravan update so soon, but I’m not complaining Just did a short flight and everything seemed ok - autopilot worked flawlessly. Well done!
Just a quick question, anyway to get the oil temp to load up at ambient air temperature?
20% is a great discount! I wonder if we can get the thread split into two: Caravan and King Air.
In the Caravan 1.3, is the AP ARM button used for anything?
As far as I can tell, if you are at a stable altitude, dial in a new altitude and then hit the ALT button, you then can set your VS to get to that altitude. It shows ARM when you click the ALT button. The actual ARM button didn’t seem to do anything.
They’re excellent when it comes to rewarding existing customers. I’d argue that all around, they’re the best and most consistent MSFS developer out there.
The new 1.1.3 update works great. AP working as expected. I don’t seem to be getting the 1000’ audio alert but that may be because I am using the FTSim sound pak.
Cannot get the radar to work in the analog Caravan.
Even after launching the InstrumentUtils.exe the radar remains inop.
On version 1.1.3?
I have downloaded it today and it says 0.1.3
The .exe is no longer required with today’s update.
clear your cache (setting → data → clear cache , before better switch plane, and reload the plane after clearing)
edit : speaking about msfs’s cache
Whether the InstrumentUtils.exe is running or not, I still get the “InstrumentUtils.exe NOT RUNNING” message with version 0.1.3.
Hi @NiKoTin3420
Thanks! Will try.
Which cache are you referring to? MSFS ? Windows 10?
personally, i would go into your control panel → apps and uninstall the plane from there. then reinstall and see if that fixes your issue. i try to make it a habit (but forget sometimes) to uninstall first for planes that place an uninstaller in the apps panel. not all of them do but this one does so it might be worth the effort.
what im suppose to do for the WEATHER RADAR to work? I mean it turns on, test, but nothing happen after
work fine
it detect only water droplet so light cloud doesn’t appear, work as intended on my side
maybe stop using WTT logic for GNT750 if you have it installed
or maybe you can try switching plane a instant the time to to clear msfs 's cache (general setting → data ) like I already suggested to super275327 having same issue
and how i would do that?
im using TDS 750.
What WTT have to do with this? kinda lost