Have been a Bird Dog fan since 1965, when I was in Vietnam. I might have posted real-life photos of them around here, someplace.
At any rate, my model seems to fly just fine, albeit a bit light just before touch-down. I attribute that to the ground effect lift with those huge wing flaps extended. But if I get the speed way down early in the approach, continuously trimming the nose up gradually, adjusting the power to compensate, I can bring her in for 3-pointers without dropping out of the sky quite reliably. Not sure if that’s what the flight instructor would recommend, though.
My one complaint is the looping prop sound. Gosh I wish they’d fix that. I’ve substituted other aircraft sound files for the original (i.e. the Turbo-Arrow), but I really prefer the nice deep throaty sound that the L19 is packaged with.
I am intrigued. I don’t have this plane but she sounds like something I may like quite a bit. I have both the Islander\Trislander and really enjoy them, with the Islander being in my top 5 aircraft in the sim. I also love flying the Goose, Staggerwing and DC3 to name a few others.
Question for those that fly this bird - Is the looping sound horrible or just slightly annoying? Some planes with really bad looping sound I keep in my hangar and wont touch until they fix it. Thanks!
Everyone has different “pain” thresholds, I suppose. For me, it’s just the prop sound that I notice to be looping. The rest of the engine sound package is great! But it is nowhere near being a show-stopper. Just a minor annoyance.
By the way, I haven’t seen anyone use this as an excuse yet, but sounds - loud ones especially, can be heard to “loop” even in real life. I think it’s a form of cycling resonance between the source sound and sympathetic objects vibrating in tune. But I truly don’t think that’s the situation with this propellor looping sound…
Without mentioning names, there are a few out there that I have parked in the hangar, but not the Bird Dog.
Assuming we are talking about the same thing, I find it a bit noticeable at the start-up. After that, like others I find her so enjoyable to fly that I soon stop noticing it.
At the risk of going off topic, folks on here might be interested in a programme about a UK Bird Dog restoration shown on Channel 4 a few weeks back. The programme has also just been posted on the Bird Dog Pilots Facebook group by Shona Bowman, the owner and restorer.
Like @TallestParsley2 I have been a Bird Dog fan for a very long time (although I discovered it as a kid via an Airfix kit!) and like @BostonJeremy77 bought the BB version on release. I have still flown it more than most other planes in my hangar.
Thanks! Love digging deeper and learning about the planes I’m currently flying in the sim. I’m currently on a DC3 kick and even asked for a book (Every reason to fail) for xmas. Fun hobby!
Here’s a little clip I just took. I think the propellor sound loop is most noticeable in the cockpit view.
BTW I think that flicker when I switched from external to internal view is a result of the latest nVidia driver. Have never experienced it before…
But like the looping propellor, it is definitely not a show-stopper for me!
Make sure you adjust your CoG in the weight and balance menu before you load your flight if you haven’t already! I fly around 31% MAC, but it has been some time since i have flown it simply due to proficiency and it being too easy to bush fly with. Grabbed the 172 tail dragger mod which is a nice small step up in weight class.
The Bird Dog is on sale in the MP for nearly 50% off. I have always had an interest in this plane but have so many similar bush planes. But this price looks like a steal.
Big fan of BlackBox Simulation, but since this was his first product for MSFS (afaik), is it still considered a pretty good product?
It is a steal at the sale price. Especially considering the other planes you favor. This has that weight and overpowered engine of a military plane. It feels old. But you can land it almost anywhere. If you like the Goose and Staggerwing, also heavy but overpowered, you should quite like hand flying this one.