Blue Mesh Caudron C.430 Rafale review


Great review. I very much enjoyed it (like all of your reviews).
I believe, the texture mirroring is, unfortunately, a limitation of MSFS. That is why you either get beautiful textures and high res 3d rivets in a clean plane like in Carenado and default planes, or you have to use “legacy” texturing and bake your rivets, scratches and any non-mirrored dirt into the textures like Just Flight did with their Arrow. The former looks better, while the latter gives you more freedom.
Recently we had a conversation about it on this forum with JF developers explaining a bit about this matter.

The plane has variable pitch propeller, you can use your prop setting like in any other plane. It has two main positions but also allows to set prop in between, which I think is limitation of MSFS.

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The mirroring of textures is NOT a limitation of MSFS. It just saves time. The dev can make it unmirrored but then you have to choose:
-1 4K map for both unmirrored wings= lower pixel density (resolution)
-2 4K maps, 1 for each wing = higher resolution but about 20Mb added to the package size.

Maybe I misunderstood something, thank you for clarification. So in order to achieve the highest resolution without mirroring you would have to use an 8k map for both wings? Would give you the same pixel density as one 4k mirrored map?

What would give the best resolution is having each wing on a separate maps, but then if you go down that rabbit hole for everything, you can end up with a plane that weights 5-6 gigs :smiley:

If your wings are mirrored, they occuppy the same UV space, so when you look at your texture file, your only gonna see one wing.

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has anyone noticed the cockpit view is to the right on the wing, an obvious bug?

What do you mean? I haven’t noticed any glitches.

In Marketplace it cost 6,99 EUR now, could you please tell me if it is worth?

I like much to fly with it, very interesting how rudder works on these old aircrafts, and how it feels really heavy.

But it would be a nice thing if it had a COM attached, to be able to use ATC. Without it we lose most integration with environment, limiting us much.

Also the quick side views are too high, looking to upper position.