Blurry Ground Markings?

When shifting viewing angles externally the ground markings become burry?

They are also burry when viewed from the flight deck?

Anisotropic Filtering is set at x16 via the Nvidia Control Panel?

Is there another setting to adjust to fix this?


Try the next setting below anistropic, up it to 8x8 & see if that helps, it could also be one of your texture resolution settings set a bit low. Another well used trick is to set the anistropic filtering in the Nvidia settings to 16x & turn it off through the sim settings.

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Thank you for the suggestions.

I have set Anisotropic Filtering x16 (via NCP) and also Texture Super sampling to 8x8 in the sim settings.

The issue is still there occasionally from the flight deck with the taxi lines immediately in front of the aircraft appearing jagged and in externa view when look down from a steep angle, as shown in the images above.

The answer is in my settings somewhere either in MSFS or the Nvidia Control Panel.


Sample image of the “jagged” taxi line from the flight deck.

Do they pop into focus at all? It kinda looks like some kind of LOD issue. Is it a stock or add-on airport & is it doing this at all of the airports. I have had similar issues with my runway markings but the AF & TSS settings fixed it for me! May be an actual texture setting too low or maybe even too high in your options menu. Maybe mess around with them & see if it makes a difference, it can’t hurt, you can always revert back to what you had initially…

Looks like you are at a custom airport, what happens if you are at a default airport?

Having a brain freeze here.

What are AF and TSS settings?

Appreciate the input.

Good suggestion. I will check.

As you said above :slight_smile:

I have set Anisotropic Filtering x16 (via NCP) and also Texture Super sampling to 8x8 in the sim settings.

Which is a good start, You might want to turn off DLSS for the test as well if you are using it and just use TAA.

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I think I have fixed it.

I use a program that adjusts the Terrain Level of Detail using a low setting when at an airport. It was set too low which resulted in the blurry markings.

All fixed and thank you for your help everyone.

Hello @airwego1701,
What program is this?

The one which isn’t allowed to be mentioned by the sounds of it.

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Topic closed since solution has been identified.