Blurry lights on ultra-wide/4k resolutions

SU6 - just tried for 10min. Much better lights now, especially airport lights. No more blurry craziness!
Super-UW 5120x1440 here. Finally can fly at night :wink:


I also just did a quick 10 minutes test with the update, first impressions are that airports / runway lights were much better for me at 3440x1440. Will test in a real flight later but so far so good.


Seems like the night lights on ultrawide displays (or multiple displays with nVidia surround) are vastly improved - they are finally sharp.
Let’s consider this a first step in humanity’s journey towards proper mutliple monitor supports. The roadmap:

  1. Blurry lights on ultrawides - checked.
  2. Stars should be point sources not a texture projected on a dome (see how this is done in X-Plane).
  3. If the stars must be on a dome for some time (until this will be fixed) - the dome diameter should be at least 10x bigger - now, in VR, the stars are between you and the surrounding mountains.
  4. Full blown multimonitor support - with the ability to define individually for each display:
  • the projecttion
  • the resoulution and orientation.
  • whether the cockpit elements should be visible.

Weel done so far, Asobo. Took a year, but the first step is done!


big improvement in terms of night lighting, no comparison at all with the old versions - finally sharp lights again with ultra-wide or at high resolutions - can’t say thank you enough - the long flying (winter) nights are settled - thank you thank you thank you…and basically improved - the road layouts, seppia mask,… well done !!! it’s a bit bright but it’s because of the full moon
btw. AI lights are visible again (standard online traffic)!

:+1: :+1:


I can also confirm that the individual light orbs have been finally addressed and it really makes a huge difference! I fly in 4K and during night, dusk and dawn flights it looks absolutely beautiful! We have been waiting for this fix for over a year now and I’m glad that it has been finally fixed! Night flying has never looked more amazing! The light sizes look much more realistic and sharp now! Before they were an oversized blurry mess.

I haven’t seen any AI traffic since updating to SU6, so I am also hoping that they have also fixed the aircraft lights on the AI as well. Before they would look like solid square blocks of green, red and white. Extremely unrealistic and really kills the immersion when looking at AI planes, especially from a distance.

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Fantastic night light Honolulu.

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Fixed in the Sim Update 6