Blurry runway textures in some parts of the runways

Actually it wasn’t random to me. I tried applying the fix on and off several times and restarting the simulator always getting the same expected results.

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The video is not even the same issue. You guys aren’t even talking about the same issue. Look at my screenshot above, with the blue plane. Textures sharp in the distance, blurry up close. Different issue.

You can see that my anisotropic filtering was working fine, because the runway lines are sharp in the distance. This bug has to do with broken texture quality, not AF.

Your issue was likely caused by your global driver settings overriding your game/profile settings, until you repaired your configuration by following the video. But that issue (and the video) is unrelated to this bug.

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don’t remember this problem at start, but at landing some time everything are ugly, and not only blurred textures, but changed geometry of runway, time you taxy to the parking, everything go back to normal

Not yet fixed in 2023 :frowning:

Hawaii bush trip, taking off from Kapalua. Not great.