Blurry runway textures in some parts of the runways


Anyone else got this issue where the runway textures in some bits are very blurry and others just sharp?

I tested it on multiple airports, with multiple graphics settings (also everything on Ultra and restarting the sim after all setting changes) but nothing seems to help.

If you look at the screenshot, you can see that the textures are very blurry closeby, than sharp a bit further and than blurry again after that. This was with all settings on ultra. Running the sim at 2560x1080.

I think this issue appeared for me after the last update. Never noticed it before and now noticing it everywhere.

I make YouTube videos of MSFS but stuff like this keeps making it harder to get some reasonable footage…

This pic was taken at TFFJ but I’ve had it on EGKK and EHAM as well.

My settings

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I’ve got the same thing. I haven’t found a setting that seems to affect it yet.


I have this issue too. Seems the LODs of some of the runway textures are broken. The taxiway seemed to be okay.


I have found that the textures on the runway are like that at the start of a flight.

If I go into slew mode and go forward and back a little, it fixes them.


I’ll give that a try, cheers!

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It seems to fix it for a bit but then the problem appears again

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I have the same issue but not as bad, sometimes it gets nasty when zooming in.

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I have had this going back months. It is some kind of weird low quality LOD ring just around the aircraft. Hopefully, they will take notice and fix it. (Voted).


If you look closely, the “issue” is usually only around where your plane appears on the runway.
Once you start rolling, the markings are OK.

I think it’s related to the way the smoothing is applied on “upcoming” textures. The initial ones seem not to be processed.


This is still an issue, and it has been an issue ever since the game was released.

None of the texture graphics options seem to solve it.


Weird but I have only just noticed this.

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For me it happens randomly and somewhat rarely, and it’s not always reproducible in a new session on the same runway.

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I am thankful for finding this thread. I was going nuts thinking it was an issue that only I was having. The screenshot above says it all for me.


A somewhat similar texture issue appears if I set up the drone camera at an airport and fly the plane miles away from the airport and switch back to the drone camera. That situation is understandable, as the textures near the camera are far away from the plane and probably need to be refreshed. But textures near the plane should not be blurry like this.


Yeah it happens on certain airports and is s “thing” on Xbox as well. I’m guessing it’s the photogrammetry data crapping out…

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For anyone that uses a PC and Nvidia graphics, I can say that the following fixed the issue for me:
Nvidia graphics settings for MSFS, AntiAliasing 16x. In-game AntiAliasing, “Off”. Restart MSFS.
By golly, it actually worked and I am no longer going crazy trying to fix this!
Here is the video that I followed to get this result: How to fix BLURRY GROUND TEXTURES in Microsoft Flight Simulator?? NO PERFORMANCE IMPACT!! - YouTube

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Thanks. That was big help. Changing the ansiotropic filtering at the Nvidia control Panel to anything other than the standard value fixed that isse to me and also another issue i was having as seen on these screenshots.



This texture bug is totally random and doesn’t always occur at the same place, therefore making a screenshot at the same runway to show driver AF fixed it does not prove anything.

And somebody above misspoke about turning antialiasing off and forcing it in the driver, so nobody do that. This game looks really really bad with antialiasing off.

Well, it worked for me. The linked video explains the process and shows the results. It is only there as a suggestion and I don’t really see how “nobody do that” is helping much without an alternative method being given.