Are there any release dates for these aircraft? From what I have seen in clips to date there appear to be a number of innovative features with the 247!
Wing42 has said they plan to release the 247D on April 2, so just a couple more days. Don’t know about AH’s DC-3.
I though the question was going to be which one to buy, in which case the answer is “both!” given the low, low price of the 247D! I’m sure each will be awesome in their own way. The teaser videos for both of them are really impressive.
They are both certainly neat airplanes. I’m chomping at the bit today waiting for the 247 to come out. Will be picking both up as well!
Yeah, holding out hope for a 247 release today but it seem unlikely at this point. Fingers cross for next week
Under normal circumstances I would agree.
HOWEVER, after their recent mediocre releases (Electra, F3F, P-51D …) in combination with the self-confident price tag, I will definitely wait whether the DC-3 can even remotely compete with the Boeing 247D.
Even if they were priced the same I would heavily lean towards the Boeing because of the superior system depth and superior ability to communicate with customers.
Well, (1) I’ve flown in a DC-3, and it’s such an awesome piece of history, so I’m excited to get one, (2) I’ve flown their P3D version and it’s really impressive, and (3) I actually think their P-51D is a pretty awesome effort.
I’m not like the guy on Sim-Outhouse who responded to the Cessna 414 release with a post with the three things he could find wrong with it and not a word about any of the reasons he actually liked it (because he did). I’ve been a flight sim fan long enough that I appreciate how far we’ve come, and how amazing something like MSFS in VR or on an ultra-widescreen monitor is compared to what I was playing in my teens.
So many people seem to revel in being able to find a sloppy texture to point out, to be annoyed an esoteric system doesn’t work accurately, or that some under-the-hood functionality isn’t simulated 100% to reality. Yeah, I’m annoyed by the hack job portovers like Deimos and Bredok3D, But when companies make a sincere effort to accurately simulate much of the experience of a historic aircraft, I applaud that and look for the fun in it, rather than looking for recognition from online peers by tearing it down and proving my knowledge of minute aircraft trivia like so many.
Look at Dean’s success with the Concorde launch. I got the impression it outsold all his military planes on day 1. I think the unwashed masses are more interested in (yawn) general aviation planes and tubeliners than they are in military planes and classics like the DC-3 and C-47 and Boeing 247. GA planes are fine, but I love the idea of being able to experience all eras of aviation.
The people making these planes are doing out out of enthusiasm for the hobby and for aviation history, Otherwise they’d be making Cessnas and Diamonds and Airbuses and Boeings and Q400s and Bombardiers and stuff, which are much more likely to be the choices if money is the object,
So if the DC-3 ships with a quirk here and there, I’ll send some polite feedback to AH and enjoy what they shipped in the meantime. But given the audio demo Baz posted, the quality of their P3D offering, and my knowledge about the passion of the team behind the plane, I’m pretty confident I’ll get my $40-ish out of their DC-3/C-47 package.
For a solid chunk of my life I was a pretty angry person. I didn’t realize how much wasted energy that was, and what a junky outlook that was on things. I am fortunate that I was able to realize that and (with help) straighten that out.
Thankfully, like @Editer I am guessing, I started my flight simulation journey 37+ years ago. Does that mean my viewpoint is correct? No. It does give me perspective though on where we’ve been and what we came from. I mean, geez - I remember a MiG-21 being a collection of wireframe triangles, and being pretty happy about it.
Exhibit 1, your honor. Skip ahead to like 12 or 13 minutes in. Revel in the two or maybe three fps.
Rather than take a dump on someone’s work, try to appreciate what they’ve done. If there are things wrong, then sure - contact the developer and explain, and this is the key, POLITELY that you may have discovered something that they might want to take a look at.
What’s the TL;DR? Don’t be a jerk. Don’t waste your energy focusing on the negative stuff in life. These are imaginary airplanes created for our amusement on fancy adding machines.
I was able to get to the Wings42 website about an hour or so after launch and finally was able to get the server to give me some love to complete my purchase. Haven’t had a chance to crank up the old gal yet, but I will, and soon!
…and when the DC-3 / C-47 comes out? I’ll be getting that one too.
This is a good time to be a simulator fan in general. Our sim, MSFS 2020, has made some great jumps since it was launched, and I enjoy myself every time I get to fly. Are things perfect? No, but I’d rather focus on the fun I’m having and the (usually) really good people I’ve met as a result of this hobby,
Despite it’s odd issues, I love this sim to bits. NEVER in my lifetime did I ever dream we would have anything this good on our PC’s! Hats off to Microsoft & Asobo! Simply amazing!