Boeing 747 Pitch Trim goes down after Autopilot Disconnect

Hey everyone,

I’ve been having issues when manually disconnecting the autopilot on final approach in the default Asobo 747.

The moment I disconnect the AP (on an ILS approch), the pitch trim rapidly jolts the aircraft down resulting in pretty rough landings since I’m on final and can’t recover from the descent rate (600-1000 fpm).

Everything else apart from the trim seems to be working fine. Did I overlook something in the FMC for Approach trim settings or anything similar? Do I have to immediately trim by hand when disconnecting AP to prevent the pitch from going down so violently? As far as I know that should be the case, though.

If anyone has any idea what might be going on here, feel free to share. I’ve been trying to get into the 747 for a long time, only to feel dissatisfied after every landing. However, I’m happy that the 787/747 are getting some attention recently.

If it helps, I’m using a Thrustmaster TWCS.

Thanks for reading!

hey, i have some similar bug with the asobo 747, at the moment I disconnect the AP during the approach, the pitch controls dont work, also the pitch trim dont have any effect

This is a frustrating but wellknown problem.
Check if the TWCS uses the default settings. If so, the trim is controlled from the potmeter located on the left side of the throttle handle.
This will not work, because the mechanical position of the potmeter is different from the autopilot setting, and the aircraft is forced up or down when AP is disconnected.
IRL the AP turns the trim wheel so that the settings are always the same. This is not the case in the sim, they are out of sync - hence your problem.

Solution: Remove the binding to the potmeter and add buttons for up and down control. I use buttons 7 (trim down) and 9 (trim up).

Here follows a detailed walk-through.

Create a new profile:
Go into Options/Control Options/TWCS Throttle and select Default.
Click Open Preset Manager.
Click Duplicate, give the new profile a name and click Ok.
Back in Controls Options verify TWCS Throttle is the new profile.

Delete existing binding:
In the search box click Search By Input.
Move the potmeter until detected. Click Joystick Slider X and in the new window remove the binding by clicking Clear Current Input. Click Validate.
Remove the bindings for button 7 and 9 (or whatever buttons you prefer).
Click Apply and save. Click Go Back.

Create new bindings:
Once again, Go into Options/Control Options/TWCS Throttle and select the new profile.
In the filter box change Assigned to New.
Open Flight Control Surfaces/Control Trimming Surfaces, find Elevator Trim Down and click in the left input box.
Click Start Scanning and press button 7, then click Validate.
Open Flight Control Surfaces/Control Trimming Surfaces, find Elevator Trim Up and click in the left input box.
Click Start Scanning and press button 9, then click Validate.

Click Apply and Save and you are done. Happy flying!

In my case it occur using x56 hotas


Sorry for my late reply, life’s been busy :slight_smile:
Thank you so much for your answer, I have been able to disconnect the potmeter from the pitch settings.

I already had a slight feeling which suggested that the wheel on the throttle is overwriting my autopilot’s trim settings instantly which caused the nose-dives!

I have my trim bindings on the buttons of my joystick now, everything works fine!
I still find it quite weird why the 747 was the only plane which had this issue. The 787 and the A310 for example did not immediately overwrite my trim with the potmeter position.

Anyway, everything’s fine now. Thank you so much for the advice!