Boeing 787 can't key in ils vor frequency after update

Hello ,

After latest update on 23 June,I’m having problem to key in ILS and VOR frequency on B787 anybody have same issues and how do you fix it.

ILS does also not work in Boeing 747 and Cessna Longitude anymore after the latest update on my system. Any fix available?

Moved to Aviate, Navigate, Communicate to see if the community can help narrow down your issue. It’s working fine for a lot of people so need to narrow down the issue before creating a bug report (using the bug report template) :+1:

Correction: ILS works fine in Cessna Longitude,
Boeing 747 and 787: If I call the NAV RADIO page in the MCU the display shows “PARK” at “ILS”. After dialing in the desired frequency and hitting the button on the left it does not accept the frequency. The display shows on both planes “INVALID ENTRY”.
What can I do to solve the problem?

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For ILS I just found out that you have to insert the ILS freq plus the course. For example 110.3/240
It works on 787 ans 747!
Good luck!


I am having trouble landing… Seems this A/C wants to veer all over the runway after this latest 23 June update. I’ll check this ILS issue later after they come get me out of the mud !

Oh, yes, I recalibrated my Flight Stick and the 787 still veers all over the runway after landing at the correct speed and centered.

Key in where? The only place to enter the ILS frequency is the 3 radios on the 747-8i in the STANDBY “line” and when I click on the “ up or down” button to activate the frequency I get the “ERR” error message.
Unfortunately, the excellent test flight manual does mention this.

It can be tuned but must follow the format below where x is the frequency and y is the course (same for VOR tuning):


The other method is selecting an ILS approach from the CDU flight plan which will autotune the ILS freq and course.


The 787 seems to autotune the ILS frequency correctly. The 747 doesn’t autotune only display “PARK”. I haven’t tried entering the frequency with the course.

It’s comm radios, not nav, that’s why you are receving error message.

I have the same problem, tried everything, but keep getting the alarm.

Nope. Autotune doesn’t see to be working for the 787 and 747. I tried changing the ILS and changed flight plans with a different destination but it still didn’t autotune. I removed my Community folder to make sure it wasn’t an add-on causing this.

The xxx.xx/yyy format works fine.

I’ve just tried the 747 after many months… My experience is that before take-off the RAD NAV shows "PARK but after take off it shows the correct autotuned ILS freq. See pics 1 - 2

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This is becoming puzzling. I’ve been flying mostly 787 and 747 IFR flights using ILS approaches. Before takeoff I enter the ILS frequency using the xxx.xx/yyy format. There is a small M displayed (not entered) between the frequency and the course.

Several flights I forgot to enter the ILS frequency until later in the flight. When I go to tune it, the frequency and course are already in the box with a small A between them. I assume “M” = manual entry and “A” = automatic entry.

The only thing I can think of is that since VORs are being auto tuned along the flight path, maybe the aircraft has to be in radio reception range of the ILS for the autotune to work. Just a guess… (“PARK” is still a mystery to me.)

I can confirm that works. But does it have to be the correct course, or can you put any old thing and it follows the localiser anyway?

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