Boeing 787 takeoff and landing issues: Auto pitch trim issues, CG issues, A/T issues

The 787 is, to put it plainly, like a bucking horse when you try and land it. But even before we get there, we have to takeoff.

If you set the fuel and payload such that CG at the midpoint or anywhere but as far ahead as safely possible, the plane will rotate on its own at speeds as low as 40 KIAS. I mean… come on. But, thankfully, this can be somewhat worked around by setting your pitch trim something like -4 degrees.

BUT! When you come in to land, the aircraft fights your manual pitch trim inputs regardless if you have any autopilot aids active or not. Now, I could be just a dumb*** here, but the aircraft will shift pitch trim to positive values (like +4 degrees or more) so you are struggling to touch it down – seriously, which aircraft flares with the yoke being pushed down?? And when you do, it’ll of course slam into the runway.

This isn’t even mentioning that if you even have the mistake of leaving either your autothrottle arm or autothrottle buttons on, at about 20 feet it tries to kick in the power to full thrust no matter where your thrust levers are – ignoring that I just set them to idle.

Am I completely mucking things up or is this broken beyond usability?


HeHe. It’s broken…badly. Until Asobo opens the aircraft to be modified, most folks won’t touch it.

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I feel the same way, even with max flaps the aircraft refuses to bleed speed and instead hovers above the runway unless i nose down slam the plane down. It’s frustrating to use that’s for sure


Exactly same experience here, I also have to fully turn off any form of ap before landing or the AP won’t let me land, it will put full power.

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Shh, you’ll upset the fanboys! Focus on how good it looks (apart from the scenery bugs).


No reason to buy the premium deluxe version it seems :wink:


Quiet sad, I prefer boeing aircraft over Airbus because I’ve spent all these years learning how to use and understand their systems. Now i feel forced to use the A320 because its a little less mean when you need to land. We won’t talk about the 747 though…

The airports are still fantastic. I’m just really annoyed that the 787 isn’t even flyable. I don’t need it to be study level, just let me land it!

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All airliners are faulty, can’t expect much from a vfr sim.

That would annoy me too, but I really had my eyes on the 787.

Even with full load, the landing nose cannot be suppressed

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but its not a VFR sim…ive already completed many IFR flights. You just have to work with the autopilot and use vertical speed instead of VNAV until it’s fixed.

Also keep in mind these are default aircraft. No flight sim has payware level default aircraft.

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Yes but there are sims with default quality airplanes. These planes aren’t even default level. Basic functionality doesn’t even function. Doesn’t help that getting the default models aren’t possible so we can barely fix it ourselves. So yes, its a VFR sim until the IFR issues get solved.

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As I said before, I’ve flown IFR routes no problem. Yes the sim has its issues, but IFR is not impossible


I´ve done some ILS landings with the 787 and it was working fine so far.
Few things I´ve recognized. The ATC isn´t considering your route and hight to have a successful ILS and the VS button isn´t working properly. I always was needed to push the button at least two times until it works and if the AP from co pilot is activated, the VS button isn´t working at all.
Strange but true. But all in all I can say that the AP is working fine so far and landings are even possible if you have figured out how it works under current circumstances…

Hey all,

I’ve been having a bunch of issues after the recent patch. Not sure if others have experienced tthe same:

After cruising, when its time to descent, VNAV Descent works sometimes and sometimes it just doesnt. It shows in the PFD as VNAV SPD but nothing happens. I observed this over a period of 10 mins.

The ILS frequency is supposed to be pre-filled in the NAV, I believe, yet this remains empty and has to be manuially filled in. Which is fine except when I do, it doesn’t acknowledge it.

Auto-throttle has its own mind. Sometimes it works. SOmetimes it doesn’t.

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Absolutely not, unless you want aircraft with awful characteristics and a lot of INOP buttons.

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Quick update here:

Everything seems to be smooth except for the button to switch between Mach and Knots. The display above it appears empty even though on the text highlight I see it switch fro Mach to Knots and back.

Anyone else have the above issue?

Also, calling fuel truck NEVER gets one. ATC always says “Fuel truck on the way” and the status in ATC changes to “End Fuel …”.

the bird was rushed for the release and is now more broken since the last patches. from bouncing like a basketball while landing to ap issues, I would not recommend you touch the dreamliner at this point of release. much love is needed to make the plane enjoyable. I invested €120 euros for nothing.

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