Boeing 787 VNAV available?

Hey there,
I am thinking about buying the premium deluxe upgrade.

Is VNAV in the dreamliner finally working (on xbox)?

Can´t find any current information.
Would be huge to have that automatic decent.

best regards

Nope. Not that ive heard. Probably not for awhile until Working title finally gets to it.

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The Heavy Division mod apparently has added VNAV in recent months but I haven’t flown it in well over a year so not 100% sure.

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Its not for xbox

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Yeah it is available on PC but sadly not on console. Still thanks for your answer.

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Sad to hear it, but appreciating your effort coming back to tell me. Thanks.

Nah. I run it LNAV when I do. There’s a few other issues, but it’s such a nice bird. I think it’s worth the extra cash. Just my opinion though.


I know there is even wing flex and stuff like that…
But auto decent (so the Boeing feature) would be very attractive for me cause something like that is not available in the Airbus A320N (at least in the basic plane).

I am absolutely loving the A320 but some contrast would be nice.

Just sad about not having many airliners on xbox. Especially when it comes to Boeing planes.

You’ll have to do a little extra math/work as the pilot, but it’s a great plane. I’ve flown it so many hours(at least 1K) that I pretty much know how it’s going to behave and what inputs I need in the AP to get it do what I want.

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What is this “Heavy Division:” mod you talk about ? Where can I find it ?

Year that extra work is no problem for me.
Just want another experience with an jetliner

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Easy to put that in Google,

very good update to stock 787 especially with FMC functionality.

OK Thanks guys, I will check it out :wink:

OK I am trying out this Heavy Division with the B787 - Runway Start.

I load the B787. Then I load my plan from Simbrief. LOAD/SAVE and load the KSFO-KLAX.pln
It appears on the world map, including the SID, Waypoints, Stars, etc including origin and destination.
So I press FLY and B787 takes me to the runway for Departure.
However, when I adjust the ND range, the flight plan simply does not exist.
So what step have I missed. Any help greatly appreciated.

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What about import fpl after start flight, in cockpit?

To me in that times I did my flights, no problem with online import from Simbrief.

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