Bonanza g1000 ignores transition intercept

Hi sorry if Im doing things wrong Im very new to FS, my gps follows the route nicely as far as EDN but then carries on flying on the same heading it does not fly the intercept leg. (this is a little navmap screen grab but it looks the same on the G1000) have tried it a few times with the same result, Im importing the FP from littlenavmap.

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If it’s a manual intercept, then you just handfly to that waypoint. Staying on AP won’t get you there.

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ah! thank you, I didnt know that intercept was meant to be hand flown. I thought the AP would just take me to the ILS, So do I just have hand fly from EDN until I capture the locator? (sorry if these are dumb questions but I have googled every term I can think of)

Generally a manual intercept is either a fixed vector (i.e., it’s expected you turn to 145 after overflying EDN then use instrumentation to manage your distance from EDN until it’s time for turning to the next waypoint), or it’s an indication that ATC would vector you after the overfly to the direction and distance needed, then turn you in. The latter can’t be done by the in-sim ATC, it doesn’t recognize or support this procedure leg, so you’ll have to do it yourself. Alternatively, you can check the FPL in the G1000, locate that leg and either delete it - which cycles you to the next leg, or manually pick the ITH12 waypoint, select DTO (Direct To) and press ENT twice. The latter will route you directly to that point.

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hiya i just didn’t know this info and thanks for taking time to respond . i understand now

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Could you please humor me and post a screenshot of the world map or your gps screen after you upload your lnm .pln?