Bought and installed airport not showing up

I bought an aiport dlc in the marketplace and installed it.
But it,s not showing up on the map?
Deinsrtalled it and intalled it again, but still not visible.
Lepa airport , Palma de Mallorca. from Just Sim.
The same aitport from another developer is visible to buy when i look at the map.

Never had this happen before and dlc i bought the same time works with no problems.
Any idea how this comes or what to do?

Hi @Moopa1,

Please can you send in a support request via our Zendesk online portal for this to be investigated?

The MSFS Team

Submit a request – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

I did and they suggested oa to switch online functionality on and off, and that pobably worked, because when i checked later today the aiport scenery was there.

Thanks for reply!

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