Bought C-130 but cant view inside cockpit?

Nailed it.
(Feel free to flag my comment too)


It’s many things, but it isn’t fraud. Nor is anyone a criminal.

Whilst I agree that tripe like this doesn’t belong in FS2020, if there is a market for it someone will exploit it.

I’m afraid personal responsibility comes into this, as it does in so many things. Fewer and fewer people seem willing to take responsibility for their actions these days. In this instance it says pretty clearly on the Marketplace Store page that it is the exterior model only. Exactly how visible that is might be another argument, but if a person chooses not to read a product description and buy it anyway then it’s on them.


I don’t agree that it’s his fault and that he should do research. People buy a game, the game has a marketplace. It’s reasonable for them to expect that things they buy from the marketplace will be fully functional. If you buy a plane from a flight simulator marketplace, it’s reasonable to expect that you can sit in that plane and fly it in the simulator.

MS needs to allow written reviews on the marketplace.


I can only sympathise with you on this as it’s products like this that provide a negative experience to what is and will be an awesome simulator.

It really pays to read the description and reviews and I urge everyone to do this with all purchases from marketplace and external third parties.

But just to clarify, no where in the policies and marketplace terms does it state that all aircraft submitted and sold must include both a cockpit and external model. Maybe it’s something they could add but then where does that line get drawn in terms of quality control, systems modelled etc.

It’s much easier for the customer to read a simple piece of text and look at some stars on a product listing.

I have stated this time and time again - I can hardly think of any other instances of sabotaging YOUR OWN concept quite as much as Microsoft has with the way they run the Marketplace - everything from lack of product-specific receipts to slow update times to meaningless star “reviews” to allowing pure unadulterated rubbish to be sold and allowed to take advantage of those who aren’t inclined to read detailed descriptions. It is a shameful display of incompetence combined with design flaws that are inexcusable in this day and age.

They seem to be taking advantage of every opportunity to alienate people and put sticks into their own wheels on a concept that initially, conceptually was a beautiful and elegant implementation.


It does say in big letters on the captain sim website that there’s no virtual cockpit view. And in small letters on the Marketplace listing for it. (It does refer to a 3D cockpit in the external view section, which is misleading and confusing because if you go outside the plane and look in, there is a cockpit.)

So as the great wise man Mike Brady once said to Greg, “Caveat Emptor.”

(Or, “Next time I bet you’ll read the product description.”)


Yep. The c130 is definitely bordering or crossing into questionable business practices.


This is the issue at hand. CS clearly states it does not have a cockpit and sells it as trashware, if the buyer does not bother reading the description and making and informed decision before buying, well, he deserves to loose his money.


“A fool and his money soon part.”


I really pity the xbox players. They cant get 3rd party modules except if theyre on the marketplace while we pc simmers have 1000 different sources, so i assume the percentage of xbox simmers that inform themselves outside of the marketplace is also drastically lower than on pc

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