Bought Premium Deluxe on Steam... but now have Xbox

but its best played with a dedicated controller, but then for casuals its ok.

we still dont know how moving knobs/clicking on switches will work

Microsoft does not have good history with this - I bought the Standard version with intent to upgrade to Deluxe. Now if I want to upgrade I have to basically buy the game again due to the unreasonably high price for the upgrade compared to buying the Deluxe version initially. Of course I will neverever buy the upgrade unless it by magic goes on sale.

Basically Microsoft have no intention of not getting every penny it can from suckers that didn’t read the fine print. So like me who bought the Standard version you are stuck with your Steam version unless you want to buy the game again.

(I bought it on Microsoft Store because I had bad feelings about the Steam version when people reported playtime of several hours just for installing the game.)

I really appreciate the people here trying to tell me it’s apparently my fault for buying the five billion dollar version of this game on Steam instead of on the Microsoft Store, a distinction which I am led to believe makes me the ■■■■■ here. Microsoft already has my money, that’s not in question, what is in question is the fact that Microsoft decided to sell their five billion dollar version of this game on Steam and then imply through their patsies here that I’m not entitled to the Xbox version because I had the audacity to purchase it at a place they were selling it.

Are they legally entitled to do so? Sure. But I am legally entitled to invent new profanities to curse them out with, and I am legally entitled to not support this sort of penny pinching bait and switch operation ever again.

You bought the Sim on Steam for PC and you got the Sim on Steam for PC. I don’t get your attitude, seriously.
There are NO games whatsoever on steam that support “play anywhere” on XBox. That’s the nature of the platform(s).

It’s not like they changed any statements after the fact, it was clear from the beginning that if there will be an Xbox version, it will not be inlcuded in your Steam purchase.

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All you had to do was a bit of research before buying it on steam. If your plan was to play it on Xbox then you shouldn’t have purchased it on steam.

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Have you considered that Microsoft could have sold it exclusively through the Microsoft store, I would have bought it on the Microsoft store, and I would magically now be entitled to the Xbox version of the game?

Do you think I care where I bought the game? Do you think anyone buying Flight Sim cares where they bought the game?

Why should they? Having options doesn’t mean that you don’t have to inform yourself about the Pros and Cons of both.

You should have, and yes of course.

I understand, you want to vent here. But don’t expect applause for your wrong decisions when blaming others for them.

You are entitled to buy it anywhere but MS clearly stated that if you ever want to play it both on Xbox and PC then you need to buy it on gamepass or the MS store. All I am saying is a bit of research from your part would have cleared this confusion before you decided to purchase on steam.

I care where I spend my money and specifically bought from Steam for a number of reasons. Where you spend your money has consequences that go beyond the product purchased.

Meh, well…

I’ve bought various Codemasters racing games on both PC and PS3. I bought RDR2 on both platforms as well. I bought Persona 5, then Persona 5 Royal. Happy to do so, fo 2 reasons…

I love the games, and I want to support the developers - indie and AAA alike.

All of those purchases were worth it to me for whatever reason, so it doesn’t make me mad.

I can certainly understand being disappointed in the choice you made, and learning from it. But I would never have an expectation that I would simply get stuff for free.

That said, if you can find the patience to wait until late 2022, I bet you can grab MSFS on sale for super duper cheap. I played Dirt Rally 2 on PS3, with the intent on eventually getting on PC so I could use my racing wheel setup. Patience paid off, and I got it for 5 BUCKS in a Stream sale.


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Maybe I’m missing something but this was your first post in 10 months according to the flag attached to it. Nobody said anything was your fault or said you were a ■■■■■. You stepped into a conversation and decided to assume the position.

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I’ve been using an XBox controller for FS for many years. It works great. Fits in my backpack with my laptop when I travel way better than a joystick and rudder pedals, too.

Have you tried 4K with your computer? Works great for me, I’m using an LG 55UN7300 4K TV with a 4790K/16GB/2070 Super since September.

a nice 4k monitor/tv is on the menu for the mancave but currently the one I’m using isn’t optimal.

But I can record at 2560x1440 and watch the vids on our 4k in the house.
and even at that on the 65" it looks pretty dang 'ol good

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