Brand new Honeycomb Alpha XPC came faulty [FIXED]

Hi, guys. I just received my brand new Honeycomb Alpha XPC. One button doesn’t work. it’s the one labeled “Avionics BUS2”.

I contacted support, but they haven’t replied yet. I wonder if anyone got similar problem. Any advice is appreciated.

P.S. I am not in the US and I had been waiting for 5 weeks until I got my Alpha XPC from China. So, I can’t return the controller.

I’ve been waiting for 9 months

Yeah, it seems that support doesn’t work. Do you have the same problem with buttons?

Sorry to say, but Honeycomb is having major problems as a company right now.
Mark from SimHanger (one of the best sim YouTubers, IMO) does a good synopsis of the current state of affairs.

I was able to fix the problem. I brought the faulty part to an electrician. He disassembled the button and cleaned the contact surfaces. Shame on Honeycomb.

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