Bravo profile corruption

We REALLY need a drop-down menu for Bravo control profile selection.

It seems that with the current system, each time you page through the profiles to get to the one you want, the system actually loads each profile before moving on to the next. This is wasteful, time consuming and results in corruption and merging of profiles unless done really slowly.

Today I discovered that my 4-engine jet profile had converted to the same control options as my complex single engine profile. No fun to reconfigure unnecessarily.

MS/Asobo: Are you listening?

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You should post this under a Wishlist so people can vote on them.

Done. Thanks.

Yes I have noticed that.
I followed the video on line to base all of my configurations off of the default setup. Later I change one of them and find that they all have changed except the default. Now that I know it’s not just mine I’ll submit a bug report.

Thanks. Somethin’s rotten in Denmark!

I had noticed some weirdness before with my Bravo Profiles changing and such. This may just be the reason.