Bravo Throttle Quadrant Lever Axis not working in MSFS but does in other sims

I recently obtained Honeycomb Alpha and Throttle quadrant to replace Saitek/Logitech gear.

I started by installing setting up in Xplane 11 all went well.

I then began the job of setting up in MSFS which was working well with the Saitek gear. The Alpha was a dream to set up no issues all buttons switches and Yoke axis work well

It was a different story with the Bravo which works well in xplane but the Lever axis are not working at all in MSFS2020, apart from dropping the levers to bottom movement which is recognised.

So I tried the Rmag tutorial but noticed the DEFAULT in my copy of MSFS is different to his video. I am running MSFS including the latest updates as of last week. I checked all settings via Control Panel/devices and all axis and switches are just fine.

Tried a couple of other videos same issue, and reverted back to Rmag in case I was missing something.

I carefully worked through the first example of a single engine GA complex but that did not work. All other functions on the Throttle Quadrant are working in MSFS2020 but not the six levers.
I have tried a total setup by clearing and resetting the levers no luck

I have run out of things to try, but believe it is not a Hardware issue with Honeycomb gear due to easy success with Xplane, and that all other items in the Throttle Quadrant are working in MSFS.

Please note my experience with MSFS2020 is limited as I only had it a few weeks with the Saitek stuff which was all OK

Any and all suggestions welcome, but bear in mind my lack of success using Rmag video which has a record of helping most other people in this forum !

I will appreciate any/all help.

My only suggestion would be to double check that you’ve bound the throttle to the correct binding, and that you do not have multiple axis/buttons bound to affect this control. (you could easily bind two or more physical levers to control the same variable)
Also note that there are many similarly named binds for a control:

(I am assuming you’re referring to this video?)

At the 2:22 marker you can see multiple binds, one named Throttle 2 axis and another Throttle 2 axis (0-100%)

Thanks for your response. The Video I am referring to is “5 configurations for Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant in MSFS 2020” by Youtube tag Rmag made around 27th Dec 2020. I believe when I installed MSFS around 4 weeks ago the second throttle bug was long gone.

I have religiously followed instructions from several other tutorial videos also, none seem to fix the problems I have. I even started with just setting up a twin engine configuration from scratch to follow exactly what others have done, but cannot get the levers so show any movement except the Detent move down. Windows 10 control panel properties test shows everything is OK with all axis.

I am at a total loss and have made no progress.


P.S. even checked all codes and see no conflicts

If you’re still having problems, please post pics of the controller setup. On the left you can filter by what’s assigned then scroll through and expand everything.

Try removing all keybinds in the bravo. That seems to solve this for most Bravo users.

To WeptBurrito2749

Thank you for your interest in the problems I am having with honeycomb flight simulator equipment.

Due to further developments since my last entry in this forum I will start with my system specifications and where I am at right now.

The motherboard is an ASUS ROG STRIX X-570 which was operating faultlessly with a temporary AMD 5800X CPU while I waited for my desired AMD 5950X CPU.

I now have the AMD 5950X CPU with 64 GB of 3200 MHz dual channel RAM, most drives are SSD, with two being M2 drives, and the graphics card is an MSI 3080 SUPRIM X.
In addition I have a Corsair 850 watt gold PSU,
and NZXT X63 280mm AIO cooler to keep the CPU cool. Tempeature never gets near the heat limits on either the CPU or GPU

Connected I have four screens but use a single LG 1440p G-SYNC screen exclusively for MSFS 2020

To date I have no issues with any of my other games or software including Da Vinci Resolve video editor, cyberpunk 2077, Resident evil 2 and many more.

I also have X-plane 11 which runs with no major issues even using the honeycomb equipment.

I have the Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Bravo throttle and Thrustmaster pedals these are connected by USB 3.2 directly to the motherboard back panel not through a USB hub.

I have managed to advance to the following point:

It was suggested by several forum members I start from scratch with the Bravo set up.

I selected a simple GA single complex aircraft and coded in all honeycomb and thrust master settings and lever to the throttle Lever (Black) 2 the prop (Blue) on lever 3 and for the fuel (RED) on Lever 4 as suggested in a video on you tube. Other axis were put into Detent.

Having checked the levers were all working in “Control Panel devices” on the graphs page I then tested this new set of settings with a Cessna 172 SKYMAX with steam gauges.

However I encountered some new problems

I could start because the honeycomb alpha and Bravo operated correctly as did the thrust master pedals operated correctly in the settings configuration and when taking off.

However once in the air I struck problems with the alpha yoke cutting out for a few seconds every so often and when I banked it cut out altogether. I crashed into some trees due to no Yoke working

On the second try, everything seemed to be working, until I got to the point of landing, when the thrust master pedals would not work.

On the third try the Yoke froze again but came back with no further issues and I flew for 2 to 3 minutes positioning myself to land back at the same airport. Then the whole system crashed. That is not to desktop (CTD) but a total crash with all screens blank and being unable to turn off the machine even from the case power switch. This is never happened to me with any other software on the system.

It has never happened with XPlane, nor any of the high demand games that I use from time to time. I had to resort to turning it off at the PSU switch before I could restart the machine.

The only common link I can find is MS FS 2020 both the honeycomb units and the thrust master pedal work perfectly in XPlane 11 but in all honesty I think MS FS is better suited to my requirements if I could get it to work.

I have experimented with cutting back settings in MS FS 2020 such as from ultra back one level (as well as some other settings reduced) I expanded the virtual memory size and also added settings into Nvidia program settings as suggested elsewhere in the forum, have the latest Nvidia drivers and the latest update (2nd May) for Windows 10 Pro. I have run out of ideas except for one . . . . Should I just start all over again by deleting and reinstalling MSFS 2020 all over again, this has been suggested in the forum for several other types of errors, what do you think ?

If you still want me to send setting images etc. I’m happy to do so but the fact that it now involves all three devices the honeycomb alpha and Bravo and thrust master pedals this mystifies me.

I have a friend I communicate with on discord who use the SAITEK equipment and he had a look using discord but was equally mystified by the strange mix of issues and problems. He has few serious issues, mostly fixed in recent months !

Let me know if starting from scratch is best approach (although it is a long drawn out process ! ! !

Thanks Colin Rayner

Well dayammm! Thanks for detailed response! That kind of info helps a lot, a lot more than needed but it cant hurt anything. What I’m about to say is being said for you AND also anyone else needing help, but…it’s really just troubleshooting, that’s why the more info the better.

So, you’ve verified there’s nothing wrong with the hardware as you say it works fine in other games, which now leads to settings issue.

edit check you flight model. Make sure its set to modern. Never ever use legacy unless you know when to (rumor is its for FSX aircraft??)

Now the reason I was asking for screenshots was to check if I could see any conflicting bindings. I’ve had the alpha and bravo since December, and I’m not certain what settings are default now, but then at least I remember some of the switches on the bravo were set to do lights. So if you just got both the alpha and bravo, bam you’ve got conflicts.

But you’re problems are the axis. I’m currently not in front of my computer so I’m trying to do this from memory. Some of them are a 0-100 and some are a -100 to 100.

Im posting now but going edit in a few so I can get the details right :laughing:


Right, so if the levers are 1-6, left to right, this is 2 throttle, 3 prop, 4 mixture

One thing to remember about the bravo, when you pull the lever down below the detent, its no longer part of the axis, it just engaged a button. push it back up to or above the detent, you just turned off the button.

note This is usefull for the throttle, assign that button to a “decrease throttle” and it should put it into a reverse thrust depending on the airplane.

Now the bad news there WitheredOrca ( lol sorry gotta laugh at the xbox names considering im a crying burrito)

I am not one to ever say “yeah just reinstall”. IMO you should NEVER have to reinstall. But I have seen too many posts where it helped. Was it necessary, IDK. Just wait till you logbook gets reset lol.

But…If the above doesn’t help, with the detail you gave, you might need to try it.

Thanks for those encouraging comments.

Yes, there were conflicts with the Alpha as the Bravo also has switches for lights.

I reset the Bravo switches to other things (Parking Brake, Yaw Damper, Flash Light, and others) and made sure all light conflicts were removed before doing so.

No, I have the AXIS levers running OK now, I tested them on both single engine settings and twin engine, but all the other issues I mentioned in my last message are still a mystery.

The Thrustmaster pedals are a real mystery as they work well in X-Plane 11, and the settings in CONTROLS seem to be OK also, in MSFS they can just stop working after some minutes, as does the Yoke as mentioned in my last message. Sometimes thePedals just don’t work even at takeoff. I cannot see any conflicts with the Thrustmaster Pedals tho !

I have tested the Bravo Levers in both a Default Cessna 172 Steam Gauge version and Carenado Mooney M20 as well as the Default B58 Baron Twin, no issues with the levers.

I will give the extra hints you put in your edited Message a try and let you know how it goes. Please note I made another message while you were doing your edit of last message so it may add or detract from your update sorry about that. . . . that was a complicated sentence.

The forum name was generated by the forum system, not me !
Last laugh in on me !

Colin R

hmmm…what is you hardware plugged into?

In my slowly growing hardware arsenal, I had bought a powered usb hub as I went from wireless to wired keyboard and mouse. Then the alpha and bravo. Anyway I really don’t know if it was a good one or not. But, When I got my pedals, they wouldn’t work plugged into the hub. I had to plug em in direct.

Just a thought

AS in my over complex initial description of the system, they are all connected to the USB 3.2 ports on the back of the PC

Due to ongoing issues that have no sensible explanation I have decided to downloads MSFS2020 from Scratch. With 172Gb to downloads this has already taken three days and about 50% done. So no progress for some time yet. Thanks to all for assistance and helpful tips.
Colin R

Before setting up any other key-binds, make sure the throttles work as expected. If not, delete the Bravo profile and try re-binding the axis.

Bravo throttles lose power during take off - on all aircraft - checked everything. Nothing doubled - re - axis - nothing helps and so MSFS is unplayable. Any genius’ out there?

I know this is a old thread but having the same issue. Have reset the bindings, cleared the bindings, changed USB ports, reinstalled msfs. No joy. The config sees the throttle move but the position bar never changes. Seems to work in x-plane 12 but really want to fly msfs. Are there any updates or fixes anyone may have come across?

I tried a reinstall, and when coming back to a 2 prop setup it worked great. I fly a piper archer, so only 1 prop. Noticing that when I clear throttle 2, throttle 1 stops working.

Lastly, created a new blank profile, set Throttle 1 Axis to Joystick L - Axis Y (found when searching and moving the lever), but no joy, the indicator in the config blinks but the amount bar never moves. Grrrr.