This week myself and Dean has had the privilege of early access testing bravoairspace hangar 4… The cockpit now features a tablet which at the moment isnt turned on but will be updated starting basic in the future and working but adds much more realism. There is also dirty windows (bug splatters), window tint from the outside, coke cans and water bottle situated within the cockpit.
All 8 liveries will come with a clean and weathered variant
Noticbly on this hangar the mirrored sharklets have been fixed with bravoairspace being the first developer to overcome this issue…
The quality is second to none and adds much more realism to the sim…
Please note images are from xbox beta test
That’s a weird looking hangar?? Is it a mobile hangar for drones?
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Is there any infomation at all about the expected release date for this pack? Is it somehow tied to the beta, so it will arrive only after AAU1?
No the pack is already with the MS team and is ready for release
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Another week without a release. It really is about time it gets released, looking forward too it too long. But i’ll wait, offcourse.
Unfortunately its all down to MS we can only apologise
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I understand, there’s no need to apologize 
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Plus lots more to look forward to 
Yeah, saw that on FB. Amazing 
Thanks for your continued support 
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Bravoairspace 787 coming soon to xbox please follow our discord BravoAirspace
I really feel sorry for you guys, it feels that your work is completely in vain. You develop all these packs but nothing gets ever released. Even as a potential customer this is frustrating, I can only imagine how terrible it must be for those who actually work on these things.
Unfortunately as soon as its submitted to MS its taken out of our hands with regards to release hangar 4 as been with them for over 2 months
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This isn’t normal? 4simmers, LFVR and others are releasing content and updates almost every week.
Unfortunately these are new items and the likes of 4aimmers and lvfr seem to get priority over others etc