Bring back old events (discovery flights, landing challenges, iconic flights, bush trips, etc.)

Due to work and other time commitments, I never even got to fly the USA tour at all - I had the update installed, was all ready to fly it… and the other day I finally had time to sit down and try to fly it, but MSFS forced an update on launch that took it away again (but all the title screens and news items still tell me it’s there, taunting & mocking me).


So, with the todays update upcoming we will possbily see the actual winter landing challange disappear.
Does somebody saved the landing challange files? I can not access my PC in the next days…

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Just as an FYI, I have a running collection of all noteworthy past live events. Check it out here: Replayable Live Events - Flying / World Discovery - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums


Hello Deebz96 & thank you!
I think this will solve the issue satisfactory.

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And just as expected, the Iconic Flight that came with the UK World Update is now removed from the game, despite continuing to be advertised in the loading screen.

Please vote this up! It would be a relatively easy addition.


Oops, they did it again… :wink:

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A totally agree! Just a few weeks after the UK update was published, the new sim update was published and the last iconic flight is just gone! I haven’t had the time to test the UK iconic flight yet for different reasons but now I cannot find it. I would like to enjoy all this good stuff in my own pace.

Also, isn’t it a waste of good work just to through all this stuff out of the window? A lot of effort is put into it to produce it and suddenly it is removed?


This is incredibly annoying. I had a couple of months period where the sim was near unusable for me with either massive performance issues or random crashes to desktop.

Now post latest patch, things are working for me and I have time to sit down and catch up with both the Japan tour and the new UK iconic flight; only to find they’ve both been ‘retired’.

I really don’t understand some of the teams decision-making with this sim. Removal of content is usually a big no-no outside of free-to-play FOMO titles. This seems particularly odd given the small filesize of flightplans.


I agree and voted. I think the activities area of the SIM is quite sparse. I haven’t been using it much recently because I am doing a world tour and putting my time into that, but it would be great to be able to come back to some of these really interesting looking tours and flights when I choose to.

I’m not a fan of the landing missions. They don’t really do it for me, but some of the scenery flights look great. I don’t quite understand why they would remove them. Seems weird to limit the content of the simulator and out time limits on people to fly them.


Just like the iconic flights, I firmly believe expired landing challenges should still be available. My suggestion would be:

  1. Create a new “Retired landing challenges” category under the activities menu
  2. When landing challenges expire, move them into this category and freeze the top 100 or top 1000 leaderboard positions. This would allow me to fly old landing challenges and compare my scores with what the leaders did back when it was active.

Would really like these things not to just “disappear”, same with the iconic flights (japan tour, USA tour, UK tour) included in each major world update.


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All old events can be found here:


I don’t think any of the past live events were labelled as bush trips though. The Japan and USA tours were labelled as “Discovery Flight” which was already in the title.

Some of the bush trips that were added with World Updates are permanent additions in the Activities section, so they don’t really fit into this thread.

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Asobo, please bring back Japan as part of discovery flights.


Had no idea these were removed when replaced, that’s a bummer, i was thinking I’d get to them at some point.

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Absolutely yes. Why removing (good, fun, not broken) content at all?

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Please bring back the old discovery flights even if they where to be cycled so at least we can do them if we missed or re-do them just for fun again.

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[RELEASE] Replayable Live Events (Landing Challenges, Discovery Flights, Iconic Flights) - Fly Together / World Discovery - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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I think I speak for many Xbox players when I say we want the events back in the sim. There haven’t been any Weekly Activities since SU5 which means that we haven’t seen a single one. I looked up a couple on YouTube and they look really fun. Hopefully they can be re-released ASAP.


Couldn’t agree more. There’s no reason to throw out the limited content that we do have.


Especially for Halloween, they should have brought at least the first one back for a bit, if they didn’t want to make a new one.

The engagement team however, should at least be trying at add seasonal challenges / flights etc and keeping on top of these with yearly anniversary dates, and not just western/christian events but others around the world. (Think thinks like the Haj - Mecca, Eid around different Islamic countries, Kumbh Mela in India, or other events like fireworks around the world for different New Years/Lunar NY/Tet/Thai New Year, Loi Kratong - where they send up thousands of balloons in Chiang Mai Thailand etc).

Perhaps this will happen in the future. This would be an excellent way to show off interesting parts of the world too.