Bring back the ability to use sim connect with VFRmap

I understand the reasoning behind the team disabling this feature, but ultimately, it’s the community that suffers the most from this decision.

I’ve relied on it because, far too often, the game spawns the plane in problematic locations—like under a tree or in spots where it’s impossible to move or get out… This feature was essentially a workaround for issues caused by buggy spawn points and other problems that continue to affect the career mode experience.

If re-enabling it isn’t an option, perhaps the team could implement an alternative solution to help players get unstuck when these problematic spawns occur.


Hi, I don’t really know what your problem means… I think is about connecting apps like Little nav map to the sim to export the position and even modify it?

Anyway… regarding your problem of spawning. It happens often to me and the solution is to use the “Slew” commands.

Search in control options for Slew and you should find them all. I remapped mine from the keys are default as in VR is really hard to use.

I mapped them for me like this:
Toggle Slew = Home
Slew up down = Page up down.
Slew left right fwd backward = Arrows
I also have mapped the axes for slew pitch and yaw slew to a ministick so I can also turn a bit the helicopter or plane.

After moving the plane/helicopter to the new position I press “Slew Down” few times and make sure the plane or helicopter touches the ground this way when I release slew by “toggle slew” back the plane will not get airborne instantly but stay on the ground like it was before… cold and dark or powered up etc.
However in case of crashes and the plane gets stuck upside down in a house or something I use slew commands to raise the plane up at a safe altitude then release slew and the plane flies off like normal and I can resume flight.


I would second the suggestion of slew mode. If I spawn in an odd spot, that is the quickest way to get out of it.


Don’t think it is available in career.


Thanks to the author for this initiative.
I was going to do it myself.
Yesterday I was in despair when I found out that this feature was disabled. It killed the desire in me to play a career. We, ordinary workers who do not have 12 hours a day to play, have been robbed of our favorite entertainment.

I really hope that everyone who voted for simrate will support this. Why are we severely limited in our entertainment in a singleplayer?
Simrate does not solve all problems.

Developers, on behalf of ordinary people, I really ask you to unlock the teleportation feature. Career Mode is a single player mode and does not interact with the community in any way. Why did you take away this pleasure from us?

I was really looking forward to this mode. I have been waiting for its implementation for many years. And I just got my second job. We love takeoffs and landings. We love to watch the beautiful scenery in different parts of the world. But we don’t have 6 hours between takeoff and landing. Give us the opportunity to choose for ourselves which sections of the flight we want to go through.

Guys! those who fly hardcore online. Please leave us alone. Don’t comment on it. You’ll never understand us. And we don’t understand you either. WE are different! Just let’s let each other have fun the way we want it ourselves.

I am an MSFS user since 1998, a real civil aviation engineer, please let us enjoy your game. We forgive you for your bugs and mistakes and believe. So give us what little we really need.

Career mode is just a tool that we use to make ourselves happy. The regime that many of us have been waiting for for a very long time…


Career mode is not a competitive mode, so there is NO way of cheating something which is by nature NOT competitive.

There is no shared ranking and I don’t care how many airplanes/companies do you have, for me its just my own journey, so please, let everybody run it on their own.

You have your career your way and I will have it my way. I don’t like/have time to keep my pc running full power just for me to be watching it like a screen saver for hours.

Another thing to mention is that mods for planes should be allowed in career, not because it can be used to improve the performance of the planes, but because it can be used to improve the quality of the airplane.


Strictly speaking, I would say that teleporting with the help of an external program is an exploit. That’s why I never used it.
I’m really a big fan of “play however you want” but somewhere the dev’s have to draw a line and that design decision should be respected.
However, here comes a big BUT:

In the state the career mode is currently in, it really should have been tolerated for now!

As much as I like the career, I have to realize day for day how unfinished the whole thing is. There are lots of problems that really need to be addressed urgently, but this exploid wasn’t really the most relevant problem in my eyes.

Also the taste it leaves with me is particularly bitter. Because if I understand it correctly, the whole thing is based on just one single bug report that no one really supported…
All the other, sometimes more serious because game-breaking bugs are not going to be solved so quickly. So why don’t they let some of you have fun with the current mess we’ve got? Especially if it doesn’t hurt anyone.

So take my angry upvote. Not for the teleporting itself, but for the way it was handled.


Yes! In career the only option for me was to make the startup as per usual then because I was stuck with my wing in a house I simple hit the “next phase” button and the sim moved me to hold short point… not ideal but…


It should never have been removed. They should be adding things and not taking them away.
People can call it an exploit, cheating or whatever the want. It’s a single player game. The way I play it does not affect anyone.
Disabling it because a couple of people complained is just stupid. Because they don’t like it they had to remove it?
The ones that want to play hardcore can. The casuals also had the option to play the way they wanted to until this update. Now we all have to play as the hardcore lovers. If you skip the flight part you only get 1/10 of the credits.

Dear Asobo. With the disaster the launch was. And all the bugs still present in the game. Let us have fun the way we want to.


Career mode needs a creative mode where you can fly the missions freely with full access to toolbar apps, and unlimited budget.
This is basic game design 101, and actually pretty much a standard mode that’s expected to be provided in order to allow people to use various modes from complete freedom to hard core sim mode when they are able to. Respect the players time and context by providing multiple modes of play that allow that.

They’ve really dropped the ball with this one.

PS: Grind is not game design. Fun is, even if it’s based in a simulation.

PPS: Shameless plug as developer, but if they implemented a simple unlocked “creative” career mode with access to toolbar apps for people that are time constrained to have fun with you could have access to toolbar apps like (flexible teleporting is a key feature)

I was really disappointed developing this when I went to test it in discovery mode and found out toolbar apps were not allowed. Why would you do that? Discovery flights should be a starting point option to do a mini freeflight at a cool location, why constrain it like that? Doesn’t make sense to me.

Double disappointed when I found out it was the same with Career mode, and there was no creative mode to just explore it without the limits.


Alt - N to skip to parking as its IN a hanger and i crash.
Please bring back VFR for this exact reason…

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And what about those people that don’t have 10h a day to grind? Why do harcore players always want to force people to play the way they want to. The only advantage this exploit gave was skipping the flight phase which is always on autopilot. You still had to take off and land yourself.
The only difference was that you didn’t have to sit for hours to get paid fully. Do you really think that people that play 1-2h a day will even try to play career if it will take them months to get anywhere?
All this will do is lose even more players. And the less players playing, the less support the sim gets.


Once again, what do you care about us? Play your game and stay out of the way of others. We’re not bothering you.


I’ll never understand why some people think they have any say in how I play a single player game. The whole point of this is to have fun and everyone has a different definition what fun is to them.
The number of active players is already low. Doing things like this is only going to make more people leave the game.
I’d understand the frustration if there was a cheat to change the number of credits you have. But with teleportation you still have to take off and land which are the hardest parts of the fligh.
A 10 year old driving sim (Assetto Corsa) has 3 times the active players that MSFS24 has because you can do anything you want there. Those developers actually understand their community.
The number of votes on the post to dissable teleporting was 3. This post already has 26 so if Asobo is actually listening to the community they will enable it again. If not then there’s just going to be the 50 hardcore sim players left after 6 months.


I believe in Asobo to the last. I hope these guys stay loyal to the community. And those tickets are immediately filled with angry comments, and thank God, the moderators quickly close them. :grinning:

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I want to believe in then. But with what happened at launch and now removing this I’m really not sure what to think. The ratio of people that want this is 9-1. Which in theory means 90% of the community would like it back (yes I know this is the opinion of 30 people but in the end the votes count)
I really hope they enable it again and prove they listen to the community. They should really be adding stuff and not taking it away.


I want to add a constructive comment. VFR map with teleport is better than simrate, because after acceleration, the game can start to slow down and freeze heavily. And related bugs may also appear: crashes, unloaded textures, etc.


This isn’t something I’ve used or know anything about, but sounds like it’s almost essential to not get bugged out of occasional career missions. I’ll toss my hat in the ring for that.

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If they really want to make everyone happy. Make 3 career modes:
-Casual ( skipping, simrate and teleport enabled)
-Moderate (only skipping enabled)
-Hardcore (nothing enabled)
Everyone gets to play the way they want.
Sometimes when I skip the plane stalls and then I lose points.
If they’re really going for as realistic as posible then the have to remove some planes (Antonov An-225 destroyed, Hughes Hercules is a museum piece that will never fly again and so on)


Sometimes there is a bug at the end which prevents you from finishing. With the teleport you maybe need 5 minutes to try the whole mission again. Most of the time it worked the second time. Doing a 3h mission and getting a bug at the end really isn’t the best feeling.
The teleport is simmilar to skip to descent except you don’t lose any credits for it.