Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Yes, I have the same issue. Many jetways disconnect randomly from the building or miss sections if loaded during an active flight. For me this is a real immersion breaker and is a behaviour that is not acceptable at all.
Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
I tried to pinpoint the cause of this issue down to anything that is not “core sim”. But the issue persists even with an empty Community folder and nothing installed through the marketplace except World Updates.
One further indication that all of this is linked to nothing but a flawed loading of the jetways is the following: Disappearing jetways also “appear” on the starting airport that you initially load into. After clicking “Ready To Fly” enter the drone cam and move it somewhere far away from your aircraft or the terminal building. Then reset the camera position and very likely the jetways around you are randomly broken.
This behaviour is reproducible and tested at the following default airports: EDDF, EGLL, LOWW, KSFO.
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
Here a series at LOWW, Wien Schwechat. First the initial state after load a flight from the world map:
Next the same spot after moving the drone cam so far away that the jetways need to be reloaded when coming back to the aircraft:
And finally moving out and back a second time, some jetways got restored, others weren’t: