Broken Runnway ESSA (26)


Sorry that didn’t work
Found the folder microsoft-airport-essa-arlanda and another one in a subfolder to that one.
C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Official\Steam
Deleted the top one or actually I moved it.

Rebooted and restarted the sim, no new folder found, back to the default airport with no crack.
closed the sim, moved back microsoft-airport-essa-arlanda and restarted the sim.
The old airport was back with the crack

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Dont load or move back the old folder!! If the failure is really in the data of the folder, ofc the Crack is Back!!

Delete both folders you find with the search and do nothing else! the rest is up to the sim! And it creates a new content, otherwhise you could not load a flight/would not show ESSA!

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I did delete the folder. And then I did restart the sim but it didn’t create a new folder.
THEN I moved back the old one.

What happens when I remove the failing folder is that the airport default kicks in.

i can also confirm the problem. just had a great flight from helsinki to arlanda airport when after a nice touchdown i suddenly hit a bump and get to a standstill instantly… deleting the aiport and reinstalling it doesn’t work like above is being said because it won’t create a new folder for the airport.

ps: it’s quite an achievement to break something that wasn’t being broken before an update.


I really wonder, because in 11 cases I had isues with airports, it created 11 times a new Folder and the issue was gone…

Did you report the problem to Zendesk? You know that reporting it here has no effect, right? This is not the official bug reporting site.

I have reported it to Zendesk. I suggest you all do the same so they will fix this airport.

Xbox does not have the possibility to remove default airports like on PC unfortunately.

It obviously works differently and maybe it’s because of steam, not steam or something else, I don’t know. Thanks so far anyway

Do you have a link or a category in the Zendesk where you reported it.
I searched the Zendesk for ESSA and Arlanda and couldn’t find anything.

Submitted request #151283 “Airport Arlanda not usable” to Zendesk

I hope you gave more detail than that

I wrote
“There is a rift/crack thru the airport preventing planes from taxying
see forum thread Broken runway ESSA for pictures etc”

And of course the other input required.


Mine was called ”ESSA terrain level bug”, but it has been marked as ”solved” already dor some reason. Perhaps a patch is coming?

No, solved just means that they have registered it as a bug to be fixed. It’s been transferred to their internal system. Do not get your hopes up

Maybe someone familiar with flatten instructions? So there will be a temporally fix.

#pc i can confirm Confirm this problem

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Brief description of the issue:

it seems as if the airport was built on tectonic plates. there are steps in the runways

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

1.23.12/13 on XBOX

Even after WU8 the problem still exists :frowning:
Runway 19L not available

Bug reported to Zendesk, hopefully it will get fixed by the next update…

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Of course the problem still exists. The fix for it was not planned for WU8.

Still there despite of version…