bug Default A320Neo cold dark at gate Ctrl+E not working start engine help me
What steps have you gone through before you try to start the engines?
1 world map
2 aircraft Default A320Neo
3 map gate or parking
4 fly to dark cold
5 ctrl+e not working start engine
OK you do need to turn on some systems first
once you spawn at the gate.
Your best bet is to follow the checklist, but for the A320
The first are the batteries, turn both on.
Turn on external power
Turn on Fuel Pumps
Start APU (press both upper and lower buttons)
after it starts,
Press APU Bleed.
Turn off external power.
Ctrl E should now work.
However, all you have to do is turn the round switch between the fuel switches on the console one position clockwise.
Turn #1 fuel switch on, wait for start.
Turn #2 same as above.
After start turn off APU and turn off bleed air by pushing the respective switch again
and you are running.
Why is “FUEL X FEED” on? Follow @TheSevenflyer’s steps and it works fine.
That is a bug.
I have had it before.
This is what I did to get them to start.
I closed the crossfeed from the overhead switch, and tried Ctrl E again,
They still didn’t start, so I opened the crossfeed, and tried CTRL E again.
They still didn’t start, so I closed it, and while I was typing Ctrl E,
I noticed the engines auto start sequence had begun.
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