[BUG LOGGED] Airport History not updating on world map

Confirm airport history is not updating

same here no updates

I too can’t get airport history to work yet it worked before the latest update.
Does Asobo know about this?
If I knew where the airports which come up every time is stored I would edit the file.
12 months since released and yet such simple yet important things go wrong.
Maybe time to go back to X-Plane.

Same on my end… history is not updating after SU5.

Same here, saved three airports in history that I have not been to for ages

Same here, and I always exit to Main Menu and use Quit to Desktop.

Same fore me, it never updates, - and still CTD after a while :frowning:

I would not quite say never. It randomly changed one of my three to an airport I have never been to some time last week.

Just piling on here, it’s never worked for me either, pre- or post-SU5.


Same here. Neither departure nor arrival history updates pre or post SU5. I noticed this some time ago and thought it too minor to create a ticket…probably is. Just an annoyance.

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Well in reality a 3 airfield history is not overly useful, though it should work as expected after all this time.

What would be actually useful is a favourites so you can pin your local and a few other common quick flight options.


Well, for me, it would save the last airport I landed at (after creating the flight plan first). Then, the next time I started, I could start from the last airport I landed from.

A very nice feature to have.

The drop down list for recent airports contain now only three airports and is not longer changing!
I remember that this list work in a different way before. It contained more than three entries and was changing after a start from an airport.

I really often use the drop down list to start a new flight with a recent used airport. So it would be very helpful to get rid of this new bug!

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I have the same issue, since last update (update V)

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yup, seems to be a bug. There is no way to update those last three used airports. The ones shown are weeks old.

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Yup same here. 3 airports only in the history.

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I have the same issue too
hope they will fix it soon

Please Asobo, when you fix this, please add some more history slots. I almost never use the “recommended” airport feature, but would use History every time I fly.


Having airport history is very important to me when developing new scenery and then checking in MSFS as then I would only need to click the last departure airport instead of having the type its name or ICAO EVERY time even when simply wanting to change start location (ie runway number or gate). ■■■■■■ annoying.

Same here, saved three airports in history that I have not been, it was working before SU5