[BUG LOGGED] Color artifacts and rough gradient, clouds like oil painting

I don’t have color banding or have problems with shadows, this could be caused by something on your end. The only thing that has gotten worse is cloud reflections on the water, which everyone has. In fact there are literally thousands of pictures and thousands of vids on youtube… go look at any from last year and then this year. 99% of them are the same. If you have problems, it’s on your end. I have no problems with clouds… none. which tells me it’s not something in the sim.

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got a 10-bit calibrated IPS panel here and i do see banding as well, definitely not a user issue.
it has been reported by quite alot of people tho.


Please keep the forum focused on MSFS only. Thank you.

Well, that’s a nice claim you have there… But i wonder how a sudden effect like color banding (coincidently after a update) is on my end when i didn’t change anything?

It’s always the same discussion on this forum. I don’t see it so it’s not true.

That’s why it was the biggest complaint after su5. Somehow many people did something wrong to magically have color banding all at the same time after an update. But you did everything right ofcourse. So color banding isn’t real.

The clouds where on of the biggest downgrades after su5. Period. Still look good. But definately looked better. This is a Fact. Or everyone else suddently got the same eye infection or something. It’s not only the color banding. It’s also the sunlight shining trough thick layers of overcast. And some very green tints overal in the clouds like they somehow reflect the ground. Also the clouds in general are of lower quality. They used to be much softer on the edges.

Might look the same on youtube. But those videos are edited and compressed, and then compressed again by youtube. Btw, i’ve seen many video’s mentioning the color banding as a thing after su5. So you might wanna look better👍


Let’s do an experiment then. Go fly into an overcast layer with a near sunset sky, try to reproduce my screenshots (taken over Belgium at 17:36 UTC) and then post them here.
If we don’t see color bands, then we’ll believe you.
It’s nothing against you, if you really have no color banding issues then we need some proof. Then we can maybe figure out why some have it and some don’t.


Ah i wanted to show you some videos from this forum with a clear difference in clouds. But i see you allready commented on that.

Since this comparison video made it very obvious, but you still didn’t (want to) see the difference i’m not going to take you seriously and further continue a discussion with you.

You say all the videos on youtube look the same, but when people show you a video that doesn’t look the same, you blame it on something else.



What color banding?


This is over Germany (see details top right), taken right now - weather set to overcast, time in sim at 17:28 Local

I see banding - always have (the circular banding), and some discolouration - albeit nothing like you are seeing. One thing I would say is that the compression in the forum really makes this a lot worse. On my 2k monitor “live” as it were, it is difficult to see the banding. Try downloading tne full image and see how that looks.

I couldn’t say if this is better or worse than at launch though. Also, I think it all depends on how big a deal you think this is. For me, I’m not that bothered and in truth it isn’t that visible to me as I mention, but I get why some people are.


I see banding on my 4000 euro monitor as well which i use for color accurate work.
Definitely not a user issue.
Let’s hope it gets fixed with SU6

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Color banding:

Overcast clouds before the sun

same position but in cockpit. Sunlight in the cockpit

Well since I cant upload PNG to the forums here are image BB links to screenshots I just took

I honestly expected more. But it puts the effort of ASOBO into context.

eeeerh, I don’t really understand what exactly everybody who’s complaining about the clouds, are complaining about…I “suffered” mostly the same probs than most of simmers on MSFS at every update, but it never last long. What happened and still happens, is everytime the graphic card drivers update, every setting are set back to default, or to what the drivers believe my best “shot” is for the settings. And thus have to re-calibrate the graphic settings in the game at each gp update.
Here are some examples of my flights from last week, I really don’t see what is to complain about ( and I have compared to 90% of the simmers a mid-level and old rig)


If you never experienced true ultra clouds before you won’t notice the difference. It’s pointless arguing over it, I just wish someone with access to the source code would provide us some truth about what changed. Those from WT do have access but they’ll never share their secrets.

What we once had:



The color banding is there, you just can’t see it. Or the rest of us suffer from hallucinations lol.
It’s especially visible on the first screen.

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You do know that this is an option in nvidia geforce experience right? Wich can be turned off. Driver updates never reset graphic settings without this option.

And clouds look great. But they have looked better, especially color wise. Has nothing to do with ingame settings.


what do you mean “true ultra clouds?” I’ve had clouds on ultra from day 1 until now… no change.

uh… what? Maybe actually read… and understand the post before commenting.

What I can see is that your images have very clear defined lines between the colors… color banding. what I can also see is that my images… and my sim, do not have that. The colors blend from one to the next. Maybe you have bad monitor settings…

Ah sorry now i see. 99%. So that video ofcourse happend to be one of the 1%.

Just as all these screenshots posted here. And more videos on youtube. And your own screenshots.

What’s your problem anyway? This topic discusses some graphical downgrades. The clouds do suffer from color banding. Most people see this. As the screenshots above prove. You seem to be one of the very few people who don’t see it.

Should be happy about it instead of trying yo convince ous it’s somehow not true or something on ‘our end’

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