[BUG LOGGED] Color artifacts and rough gradient, clouds like oil painting

Downgrades and some people having color banding issues are two very different things… is my point. Downgrades, everyone has. a few problems here and there is most probably not the sim. And my problem is I’m sick of seeing the same 20 people complaining and posting the same things in every single topic. Maybe you guys need to get together and figure out your problems instead of blaming Asobo for “Downgrades” that the rest of us don’t have.

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Is this your first day on this forum? The color banding is for everyone. You even provided (very bad, maybe tactically made) screenshots where some color banding was present.

Your eyes somehow seem to be imuum to this effect. But once again, if you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. There’s 100’s of posts on this forum vs you. But somehow you manage to change reality into: i don’t see it so everyone else is wrong!


Have fun reading.

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My settings are the same. The color banding was introduced with SU5. As soon as my night shift is over, I’ll send you comparison shots of what it looked like before.

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I like how this is basically what we’re doing in this topic :joy: :joy:


Do u update the graphic drivers via geforce? Try remove geforce and update manually…your settings will not be reset


After SU5, any object whenever exposed in sunlight, they looked very pale and loss of its texture, Everything feels like made from plastic, the instrument panel, the chairs, the throttle stick, the wings and more. That’s the downgrade disappointed me most. :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved:

Really hope asobo can fix it!

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Come on Austin what you got man lets see it…


This is from version - no color banding, no grain, the clouds are soft and fluffy:

This is now from I don’t think I have to highlight where the issue lies, everyone who’s not colorblind can see it. Not only the color banding but the grain as well.

Here you can see how the global illumination has changed - that’s why there’s sunlight constantly leaking into the cockpit and the whole world is overexposed. This is from

And this is now from


The world was far too dark under overcast skies previously, it always looked like a huge storm was overhead. I think it’s an improvement


Sun leaking into the cockpit through an overcast cloud layer is far from an improvement.


Its possible to acknowledge some things have improved, while some stuff may be temporarily broken


Yes, I can agree with that.

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these short videos show the whole essence and problems of this topic very well. Thank you for showing the difference.

same here…no change

no reason to be rude here. And asuming stuff without asking first is not the smartest move when communicating.
As CptOveurOver wrote ( i’m in the same case) I have clouds on Ultra since day 1 ! And as I wrote first: did you check your graphic settings everytime Nvidia does an update? because it resets everything to “0” in your graphic settings after each update of the drivers. And unlike you, I don’t assume you didn’t check, I’m just asking a question here, to try to help you.

Opinion noted and now for a counter. I personally do not care if it’s 120% or .120% of the folks here. It is a problem on my system and I changed nothing on my end to incite it. That may sound selfish but too bad.

Bottom line is Micro-sobo did something on their end to create this issue (at least). Weather it was intentional or unintentional is, again, besides the point. It is a fact. Should they, can they, will they correct them? Remains to be seen.

Sad to say but I am getting more and more tired of playing (read: tweaking) this ‘Sim’ as they call it.

Finally, and I am speaking only for myself, SU6 will hopefully be a positive pivot point for my relationship with FS2020. I am playing less and less each week due to just being tired of seeing and dealing with the same core issues while I keep hearing about new scenery, aircraft, and other gimmicks (yes, I’m talking about you Air Racing).

I am starting to side with the group of people of the mindset that Micro-sobo does not and never did have any intention of releasing this as a Sim. They simply wanted to put it out as a FPF (First Person Flyer) game. More money in it I guess, I’m sure the marketing team crunched the #'s, but if that was or is the case, I’m out.

Time will tell I suppose.


nope, i didn’t know that, i’ll check it up. Thanks for the info, much obliged ! :wink:

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As a simulator,main things : weather,ground mesh and main land marks,and aircrafts.
So far,msfs just need to make perfect their aircraft ,more professional and effects and seasons . Other parts is ok ,acceptable or not top wish such as replay func.

No problem! It’s an idiotic function wich should’ve allready been abandoned by nvidia years ago. I mean, what’s wrong with choosing your own settings😅

monitor settings have no role at all. almost not.
project code has been modified to reduce rendering to reduce performance for xbox
discussions have been going on about this since the release SU5
After this release, a lot was broken. Clouds, sky colors, lighting and more