[BUG LOGGED] Mountains/coastlines constantly morphing since the USA/UK/Nordics World Updates

Which part of my post are you talking about specifically? I don’t recall anything changing in regard to the graphics settings or the terrain rendering with Sim Update 4. In fact, it was considered the most stable build that was released after launch (only the 787 needed a tiny hotfix).

Although looking at it again I now realise he meant just the options menu

Yes, that’s what he meant. That the performance headroom will allow for settings higher than Ultra. They won’t be forced on everyone of course (like the upcoming option to adjust the culling) and I don’t recall any older patch doing something to that extent. In fact, all these LOD regressions were probably done in attempts to improve performance for everyone.

If you meant the performance issues with Sim Update 3, those were unintended and have been taken care of. They were not related to the settings, or graphics for that matter.

I just mean the stutters and framedrops that unless you had a 1080 or better made your life miserable. Could be 3 could be 4 but anyway 5 fixed it.

Since launch the only performance regression was the Manipulators stutters that appeared with Sim Update 3, that made performance unplayable even for those with high-end systems actually but they disappeared with a hotfix. Sim Update 4 was perfectly stable.

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It was stable for me in dev mode with volumetrics off and all settings low but only after I disabled hyperthreading

That’s interesting, I guess it was a bug affecting only some very specific hadware configurations, especially if it was linked to volumetric clouds and HyperThreading.

Nah the volumetrics were just hard on my GT1030 … but everyone was struggling and disabling HT or SMT helped a lot of low and middle simmers, particularly if microstutters were still apparent @ 30fps

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Thank you for the heads up! That would be fantastic if they really do improve the morphing. I really appreciate you keeping me up to speed! Fingers crossed!!

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Here is a new wireframe video, this time in Norway. It shows off how drastically the polygon rendering alters the shape of the terrain at longer distances.


As a heads-up, this thread now has the [BUG LOGGED] prefix in its title. It took very long, but it appears this problem is finally receiving some well-deserved attention by the team!


Just spotted it! Good news indeed, and thanks again for all your input into this thread.


Hi all together.

I have the same problem now in VR. I tried New York, Gizeh and San Francisco.

The scenery is popping up as well. If I fly a circle, then the phenomena appears again and again.

Another point are buildings and trees. They are growing when I watch into their direction. I watch to the left…then to the right…buildings and trees grow again and again.

The point is: The change didn’t appear after any update. It has started after I have changed my RTX 2070 super against a RTX 3090.

But the problem is logged. Luckily.


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Thank you for your report. The morphing is a universal issue and was greatly exaggerated with the World Updates noted in the thread’s title, however…

That’s a different thing, and it’s related to the scenery culling that was introduced with Sim Update 5. It was released on 27th July, so it probably coincided with your GPU upgrade.

The DACH World Update, which will be released next week, will introduce a slider to allow you to reduce or disable the culling. But still, it would be recommended to look into and upvote the following topics when it comes to the culling because it’s a separate issue from the morphing.


thank you for the detailed explaining answer.

I just wanted to unite these topics in comparison with VR. Let’s say…VR has the same issues. I know…it’s not a VR topic here. But maybe it helps to explain, that VR has the same issues.

And I used VR with the 2070 s…after doing the last update…no problems.
After changing the hardware without any new update…because updated already…the issues have started.

Can’t wait for the next update. :slight_smile:



I understand and it is encouraged to report so the developers can gather feedback from as many use cases as possible, VR in this instance, however each issue needs to be kept in its own thread. So it is good that you are reporting your experience with the morphing in VR, but anything about the culling should be discussed in the two threads I linked to above.

I see. My guess is that you are using higher settings with the RTX 3090 which can make the culling more apparent in some cases (since the trees and buildings draw further away for example, and the culling is stricter on distant terrain). But if not, this is quite bizarre as the hardware itself has no bearing on the rendering methods, and the panning pop-in is seen as a universal side effect (that most people will not mind of course).

But either way, I hope the next update provides a solution for all of us in the form of the offscreen scenery cache setting. It would be good to gather feedback from everyone on its usefulness, including TrackIR and VR users, so once you try it out make sure to report how well it’s working for you!

Hi again,

just two sentences and sorry for mixing up the topics.

I lowered my details and everything in the set up lower than before with the RTX 2070 S. Both phenomenas are still around, just less objects and the popping up and growing effects are faster.

And yes, I will give a feed back then.

Bye together.

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Morphing is down to poor and older Bing data which varies from area to area. Bing being Microsoft are probably trying to fix things but ultimately new satellite imagery will be the best cure and that won’t just happen overnight

No it’s not. Morphing has been prevalent within the sim engine since 2006. It was carried over in to MSFS. And also in to P3D. X-plane never suffered from it, different techniques I assume.


The morphing has two causes, poor LOD data for lesser populated areas and compromises made with errant, often tidal water levels and seasonal differences; and believe me the FSX sim engine has nothing to do with MSFS 2020 period. P3D and XP work in sandboxed environments where every scenery add-on has been optimised beforehand while MSFS works entirely on the fly. Literally a world of diference!