[bug] No engine or cockpit sounds & multiple MSFS 2024 instances in audio mixer

Same issue here, although I don’t seem to have the multiple instances in the windows sound mixer, just the one.

With Gamepass version, same issue, only tried with Cesna 172 but same symptoms, and 1% vollume mixer entry greyed out.

I fixed no sound in Cessna 172 by deleting its folder from c:\Users***\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\StreamedPackages
The folder was asobo-aircraft-c172sp-as1000. Probably deleting any of the folders of aircraft with problems will solve it, since MSFS streams those aircraft. Maybe the sound files were corrupted on launch disaster and never replaced with the right ones.

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Same here. Besides, I use bluetooth Bose stereo in my computer and one of the the audio mixture for msfs2024 was stuck at 1%. Also I would automatically lost connection with my bluetooth stereo after a while in the sim.

Hey all,

I just done a fix myself for this which gets this working again

If you are on PC go to your install directory, locate the executable.

For example mine is located here


look for the file FlightSimulator2024.exe

Right Click > Properties > Compatibility

Select Run this program as administrator

Apply and re-launch game. ENJOY 07

(This has been all day that I have not had sound doing my head in but thought I would try it this way and it worked)


The same thing is happening on Gamepass, no engine sounds on any planes

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  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024:
  • Game Platform: Steam


  1. Description of the issue:
    The volume mixer in Windows is picking up a varying amount of iterations of MSFS 2024 in sometimes three (which looks like that is normal?) and sometimes up to 13.

  2. Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?
    No addons or mods.

How often does this occur for you? (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)
Every time I run the sim, however the amount of iterations varies.


  1. Run the sim.


  1. What peripherals are currently plugged in? Please name all of them as there could be a potential conflict.
    Logitech X52 Pro, Xbox Controller, Keyboard, mouse, AXAIR MIAP

  2. Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

  3. Are you using DX11 or DX12?

  4. What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?
    RTX 4090

  5. What other relevant PC specs can you share?
    64gb Ran @6000MT/s, all installed on m.2 drives. AMD 7900X3D.

:white_check_mark: MEDIA

Same exact issue here on the steam edition

I’m completely missing the limitless folder, but I did see discord show ‘limitless’ under ‘detected games’ yesterday. The puzzle continues, but thanks for this - it’s probably the cause of no audio for me.

Is your game from steam or Xbox.

If xbox then go to your game click on three dots and click files and you can browse for the files and find location.

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I re-installed the sim earlier today and I don’t have the Limitless folder anymore (but apparently Limitless was the codename for the project before release). I will try your suggestion on the exectuable thats within the msfs 2024 folder I have.

I have figured out the 100% replication-rate for the no sound issue. I’m on Xbox Series X by the way.

How i replicated the issue:

After clearing my local games’ cache, the sound works fine in free flight mode. However, when entering career mode the sound’s gone. I’m assuming it has to do with the AI co pilot (or teacher) dialogue. In free flight the AI co pilot doesn’t speak, and the sound works fine. However, as soon as you’ve made a flight in career mode, the plane sounds are completely gone. Even when entering free flight after a career flight, and even after restarting the game. The only solution is to clear the game’s local cache and not enter career mode at all. Dialogue of AI can still be heard though, it’s solely related to the plane sounds.

UPDATE: After i did a complete fresh re-install (again) by deleting the base game and cached files, i jumped in to career mode. I progressed a little bit without sound, until i could do my first mission. The sound worked. Also tried a training after that, and the sound still worked.

So for me, the sound issue was resolved by completely re-installing the game and deleting cached files.

A new problem popped up though… game becomes unresponsive when i want to spawn in mid-air with an A400M.


I confirm this issue with PC/MS Store version.

The issue happened after I entering career mode.
First I tried free flight and no issue with the sound, just stutter and lag caused by slow streaming issue.

Next, I tried career mode and took my first course and back to free flight again.

Then, no engine sounds on cockpit view on every aircraft that I tried (152, 172, G36) but external view works normally.

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Yes. 100% replication on PC/MS Store version too.
Always happened after took career mode.

It worked, thank you!

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• Same, not airplane sound, just sound of world arround.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

its a mixer for the apps, not a device

for me and some other ppl it does not work, the fix is not working!

Exact same issue here. Start on the airport apron with the Bonanza, start the engine and there are no engine sounds… the propeller is spinning, but there is no sound apart from the airport ambience. I also see multiple copies of MSFS in my audio mixer, with one of them stuck at 1%


I can only hear engine audio in 1 in 5 launches of aircraft in MS24.