Bugs & Issues - Miscellaneous

  1. Big mouse problem. Not possible to move the world map with the mouse.
  2. Still no way to use external software with the .exe of this game (MS Store version).
  3. DX12 stuttering a lot. I know it beta, but not working properly.
  4. No way to customize the icons and names. So aircraft names and POI not possible to use.
  5. Still ATC voices only in englis, and only two voices (male and female).
  6. No DLSS.
  7. Not possible to use Google Maps without a mod.
  8. Not possible to see multiplayer planes in VFRmap or any other app.
  9. External view rotating around the head of the pilot and not the plane (no sense).
  10. No way to move the distance in external view (only nasty zoom with change of FOV).
  11. Wrong movement of mouse in external view. If customize mouse = problems.
  12. Too much loading time if mods in Community folder. I do not need to load something that I am not going to use in this specific flight.
  13. more tomorrow…

This isn’t a defect or bug.


In my opinion is something missing.

Im having issues with my logitech flight switch panel after update. Any idea?

Perhaps you should play Google FS rather than Microsoft FS.

If you’re not going to use them, then you remove them. How do you expect the simulator to know what you’re going to do in this specific flight?

Please think a bit before you do…


One bug per topic please. And use Zendesk. The way you have gone about this will not get anything resolved.

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As noted, piling multiple suspected bugs into a single report isn’t going to get a lot of traction. If you can reliably reproduce the errors, your options are:

  1. Search Bugs & Issues because chances are, someone else has also filed that same single bug and you can participate there.
  2. File each defect with Zendesk as an individual report.

Please do not add to the bug list built by the Topic Author. It will just be lost in the crush of add-on replies. Please follow the recommendations immediately above in my previous post to this thread. Thanks.


I am informing about several issues. I don’t have time/knowledgment to look for any possible posts related to the same issues (if there are similar posts). Just trying to contribute and give information about what I think this game needs, using a fast/one post (I don’t have time to create different posts).

Just ignore this post if you think it is useless, or delete if you think it is not apropiate.

It will be like this until MS buy Google or Google buy MS.
You can create a crowdfunding for this if you want…

Use MSFS Addons Linker.


One relatively big problem is after a few legs of flight, the airports don’t load up correctly as you approach! They load up late and you can see them load up. See the picture! You can see the runway loading up on the approach.

This happens to me every time on the third leg of a flight, returning to the prior airport. I had filed with MSFS and followed up many times but the issue has not been addressed!

Topic moved into #community:general-discussion-feedback

The Bugs & Issues category is to post one bug per topic. Guidelines:

This section is dedicated to bugs & issues for the core sim (not mods or 3rd party content) – Utilize the voting system and only post if you do not see your bug listed. Please post one bug per topic.

Assure there isn’t a duplicate created by searching first.

Thank you.


We are informing you of the way things work around here.


Use a smaller mouse. :mouse::+1:t2:


Maybe if more people followed the bug reporting guidelines then it would work better.

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None of these are bugs. This is just a useless list of opinions and some already reported issues. This won’t help anyone to improve the sim.

Yes, I agree with you on this. SU8 should really have been better… For the first time ever I am tempted to use the d- and u-word…. But, maybe my expectations were too high.
There’s an enormous list of release notes, and I had hoped the they would have eaten a big chunk out of the road map bug list.

mine crashes as soon as i try to install stuff in profile manager

Is that a threat or a promise?

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Most, if not all the issue you are complaining about are addressed in this forum… use the forum search function, and do some reading.