Building a FMC for the PMDG 737

I’m building a 3D printed FMC for the PMDG 737!

Using a Arduino, 5" LCD, lighted switches.

Printed the frame, buttons, and housing.

I will be doing a full side by side cockpit with this method.

The cost of building this FMC, including filament and all parts, was $245.


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Very well done…CONGRATS!!! I hope it will bring your hours of pleasure.


Very cool!

Would definetly love physical hardware for a dedicated airplane.

Since I fly a variety, I use Air Manager and for the FMC / CDU I use these

Runs off an iPad.

Thank you!

I figured for the price of buying commercial gear for 1 aircraft, I’d build my own and make multiple! I just haven’t announced it yet to my wife! :wink:

Don’t show her that iPad version or she will have the leverage!

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Sorry for the late message but I am looking to do something similar with the 737 FMC and was wondering if you could explain how you got the lcd to display the data from MSFS?