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since the latest update i have bumps/slopes on taxiways and runways in europe and the US. I just saw this issue in LDSP and EDVK…yetserday at some airports in the us…the aicraft makes a little hop for example or rolls down on a taxiway like on a slope…anybody else observes the same issue?
I drove through one at ORD (O’Hare) a few days ago. I described it in a post as a swale on the taxiway. The plane dipped down into the depression and then back up a few feet later. I doubt I could find it again with the miles of concrete there.
I had some taxiing bounces today & yesterday @ KPAE. Thought it was just the Boeing test pilots landing hard. But I gues it is really a program problem
YES i have this too. Its been happening for the past few weeks. Mine was at Zurick germany, and in the UK.
im having so many issues at the moment with this sim. I love the sim when it works, but i am losing faith in the ability for the Asobo team to rectify these problems. It seems things only get worst.
Something like that?? Not nice,really. I’ve been struggling with the graphic settings without a result. Not alla the airports are like this one but they all suffer of this strange effect. I believe it comes from SU 14.
Bumps? While taxing to 7L at KPHX in the 787 this morning I saw an AI plane ahead of me roll down what appeared to be a ramp and then keep going. I got to the same point and did a face plant that stopped me cold! This after going from Cold and Dark, loading up a nice flight plan, etc. Plane was inoperable. Looking from the outside, it was like a 15 foot drop from one side of the taxiway to the other. And yes, I was following the blur ribbon. Wish I took a picture.