Bush Divers Invitational: Kingdom of Lesotho West

This weekend, we’ll be exploring the Kingdom of Lesotho! A country landlocked as an enclave in South Africa.
Starting from Mafeteng Airport (FXMF) and traveling along many winding lush valleys as we make are way into the Maloti Mountains passing over the Katse Dam, before finally finishing at Seshutes Airport (FXSS).

8 landings in total, 153nm. The highest point we’ll pass over is around 10,000 feet, most of the airports are around 2000 feet long.

The Bush Divers Invitational: Kingdom of Lesotho West.
Sat 8 July - 1900 UTC (US East server)
Starting at FXMF
Recommended cruise speed: 120 knots.
To join: just turn up at the starting airport in a suitable aircraft, MSFS multiplayer on, name tags on, and join the Discord “The Bush Divers Invitational” voice channel. You can load the flight plan if you like, or just follow the group

To join our Discord: Bush Divers
Looking forward to flying with all of you!


Mafeteng_Airport_FXMF_to_Seshutes_Airport_FXSS.pln (21.1 KB)
Mafeteng_Airport_FXMF_to_Seshutes_Airport_FXSS.lnmpln (16.5 KB)