Bush trip navlogs

I was a huge fan of the PDFs created by sealingAuto4155 that were here:
[Release] Bush Trip Navlog PDF + LittleNavMap with POI.

I know the author mentioned that they were taking a break from Flight Simulator. I missed having those PDFs. So went about writing some code to extract them myself. I decided I would post them on a website for all to use. These are first drafts basically, so the website may change and improve. In fact I haven’t even really created a homepage yet. So I am posting the llinks to the individual files below. Eventually I may some life to the pages, but as of now they simply exports from Word basically.

Also as a disclaimer, I have not painstakingly proofed all of them, so if you see any issues let me know. I hope they work for you. Eventually I will a nice homepage with links to the individual files to make it easier to find the trip you are looking for.

[Edit] So I did add a page with links to all of the bushtrips: Here

Since the homepage is completed I am deleting all of the links I posted earlier.


These are great - will you be releasing the code/program for anyone to use? I have made many bush trips and it would be great to include an offline file/pdf with them. I started doing it manually with screenshots and making a separate map (example below) but its very time consuming to make and I have made over 50 bush trips - your tool would save a lot of time.

Did you upload these bush trips to flightsim.to?

Yes - currently in 4 parts.

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My original plan was to release the code, but the Bushtrip files are not consistent. I have some hard coded stuff in there. I also used some third party tools, some. But I also have PDF files that I can upload to flgihtsim.to or some other location. Just a matter of putting it all together.

I have actually updated the code since then to add links to skyvector.com with the whole trip laid out, as well as each leg.

I have at least now added a simple home page with links to all the bushtrips. It is located here: https://msfsbushnavlog.com/


This will be super useful. Thank you!

I wanted to add I can produce most of these in the other MSFS supported Languages as well. Let me know if anyone is interested in the other languages.