ButtKicker / Simshaker issue

I am using the BUTTKICKER for my seat and understand that I need an app to use it with MSFS. I was looking at SimShaker Sound Module but I cannot purchase it as the author of the software lives in Russia. There are sanctions in place. My question then is, what are my other options for using the Buttkicker? Thanks

He did have a work-around in place where you could use the “buy me a coffee” option, is that gone as well?

It told me to contact him via email to arrange payment. Sounded a little fishy with all this Russia stuff going on

I just downloaded the OPUS SOFTWARE and it doesn’t work. Still trying to figure it out

It’s legit, my buddy got it that way last month also.

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OK I do not have a standalone audio card. Just using motherboard sound and have the Butt kicker installed thru the headphones. I need to experiment with another way to hook this up I think. When I do get it to work, the sound that comes from the OPUS software, stops and starts like a looping issue.

You can contact him, and he will ask you to pay as friend or family PayPal to get around the issue. At least that’s what he did for me.

I used the software for a while but use FSRealistic now. Works fine and gives you a lot more custom feature. And it’s cheaper, too

Sim Racing Studio is another option although it is more expensive than the Aviator software. I have both.

Not knocking SRS but at the moment I personally prefer the Aviator software if you can get it since to me it seems a bit more suited to flight sims. If I was after software for racing games, though, my software of choice would definitely be SRS.

I originally bought SRS first because I wasn’t too sure/relaxed about making a purchase from Russia and in Russian rubles. As it turned out my concerns were totally unfounded. The dev responded very quickly, knowledgeably and in a very friendly manner to a number of my pre-purchase enquires. I eventually paid via Paypal with absolutely no issues whatsoever :slightly_smiling_face:

If you do both racing and flying SRS as mentioned above is a good option. A little more expensive but also has built in the ability to run wind fans (great for open cockpit), motion platforms, g-force shoulder straps and a few other things which are more racing based. You can also put together your own base shaker setup using it to drive 6 shakers. Software like Aviator is more aircraft specific and provides more tuning towards aircraft.

Does FS Realistic use Butt Kicker?

It’s not fishy. I use his software and it’s great. If you can find a way to pay him it’s an easy solution and works quite well. Unfortunately there are not a lot of options to make the BK run with MSFS which is surprising.

Just get a cheap usb-based sound card (they are like $20) and work great with the sound module software….easy and no need to buy a full sound card but even that option is $35 or so for a card that works great. I’ve done both.

Im having an issue with the motherboard. My 3.5mm jacks are toast. I have a MSI Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon and there are issues with getting the jacks to enable. In the BIOS, they say DISABLED. I have worked on this all day, reinstalling drivers, researching posts etc and cannot get them to work. Only the OPTICAL jack works on the MB. Many people have this issue with this MB.
My question now is that if I get a Soundblaster card, will I be able to run the motherboard optical to my speakers, and them connect the soundblaster to the Buttkicker? Will this work? Any help here would be great. Thanks

Yes, for me FSRealistic uses the low frequencies to enhance the shaking, touchdown, helicopter blades chopping, etc.

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I have a sound blaster pcie audio card (like $35 on Amazon, not a fancy one) and in the Bk software I use (Simshaker for aviators and the sound module add on), it’s very easy to pick the audio source for the BK. It has a drop down box and you pick the soundblaster add-on audio card and not the main motherboard audio card). The Bk is plugged directly into the output of the sound blaster pcie card (the mono line out jack)

OK So the regular sound that is going into my speakers will come from the motherboard optical output???

Yes that’s how it will work. Easy setup and regular sounds will come through your MOBO sound board optical output.

Awesome. I get the sound card today some time. Will post back my results. Thanks for all the help

I installed the Sound Blaster card and got it up and running. Seems like the whole issue was with my motherboards audio jacks being borked. This is the second MSI motherboard I have owned that was either DOA, RAM sockets toast or now, the sound jacks are toast. One issue I am having tho is that the simshaker for aviators box is too small and cannot be adjusted. Any idea on how to fix this?

For those not able to complete a transaction due to sanctions, was able to mail developer and arrange PayPal/ buy me a coffeee transaction without issue. Honest individual :+1:

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