Buy and download button grayed out

Please tag your post with #pc and/or #xbox.
Are you on Steam or Microsoft Store version?
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?NO

Brief description of the Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:I WENT TO BUY A PRODUCT AND MY BUY SND DOWNLOAD BUTTONS ARE GRAYED OUT ON THE MSFS MARKETPLACEPC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant:`

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue: YESYERDAY


There have been a few topics discussing this already. You may wish to see here: Search results for ‘buy and download grayed out’ - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Also see the following from the support FAQ:

This may help you.

Purchase – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

This happened to me. It drove me crazy trying to fix it. Clear everything from your Community folder and it should work. I had the Key West Payware in the Community folder. They needed to be reinstalled once I figured out what file was messing up the Market Place.

I’m on xbox

Already did that

Same happened to me, just go to your profile avatar on top right and sign out, restart the sim and it will work, I had to do it twice this past weekend to buy the planes on sale.

#xbox using Microsoft Store version. Having this problem and followed the advice so far. Button still greyed out,have uninstalled then reinstalled the programme but to no success. Problem started when I attempted to buy a jet, the purchase went through but the download never happened.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Sim loading issues and data connection options greyed out this morning (UK time) - both beta and non-beta users