You could always beg Qualitywings ( to bring their plane to MSFS2020 so we have a better 787 to fly and purchase separately? Might be waiting a bit though…
Do you know if there is a reason why it’s so much more expensive to get the Premium Deluxe upgrade compared to the difference in price of the initial purpose? I’m in the U.S. and paid $90 for Deluxe, but to upgrade to Premium Deluxe (in the Marketplace) is something like $85 where as if I just paid for the PD version in the first place it would have been $120. I would expect the Premium Deluxe upgrade for me to be $30 in the marketplace.
You could get a refund then re purchase the premium. I’m not sure if that will work but I had gotten a refund on my premium deluxe version because of issues with the 747 and 787. I will probably re purchase the basic version if and when a proper 3rd party model becomes available.
Why can’t we just buy the 787 individually? I don’t fly over Europe, I don’t want the airports that come with that package but I do want the plane. Think it would be nice to be able to buy it without the airports.
Same reason you can’t buy individual cable channels. They need the “carrot” of the plane you want to sell you more than you want. Otherwise, what is a fair price for one plane? $20? Cool, buy it and you get all the other stuff in that package free!
The first question I had on release was if we can buy the planes individually. I really want to fly the Dreamliner as it’s my favorite plane to travel on in RL. But I cannot afford the premium package at $120 and I will look to modders for better airports over time including more aircraft. I don’t think it have to be $60 if they go that route especially with the bugs I’m hearing about. It’s just a plane.
Don’t care about airports, never flown to any of them, never paid any attention to which are handcrafted and probably wouldn’t know even if I did fly into one. All I cared about was the 787…and a little bit for the long range cessna jet which…isn’t yet.
I’m struggling to understand why we can’t just buy the 787 aircraft on it’s own. Make it cheaper to buy the bundle packages than getting all the extra bits one by one. I understand that and understand the concept of trying to encourage people to buy the bigger packages but at least allow some access to other content.
I want to fly longhaul on a twin but aren’t paying over $100 for all the other stuff that comes with it.