This is a weird and inconsistent experience. Xbox Series X, all aircraft/liveries procured from Marketplace.
BravoAirSpace, love the ATR liveries, but why is there now a “BravoAirSpace ATR” in my hangar now? Can I just have the ATR and select your liveries without the name change? Why do all of my A320neos have a strange “profile picture” now? Same with my 787?
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It’s because the sim loads in the liveries in an alphabetical order and if the custom livery folders have a name that’s alphabetically before the default liveries then that will get shown first. Happens a lot with free liveries on PC as well but luckily there you can just edit the folder name and regenerate the manifest.josn to shunt it back down the path, might be able to do that with Marketplace stuff bought on PC but not sure. For Xbox marketplace payware stuff your best bet it so email the devs selling the liveries and hope they’ll make the changes.
From what I’ve been told by the BravoAirspace developers they do this on purpose to make it easier to identify their stuff. Probably contact them if you don’t like it.
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I absolutely HATE it when some liveries change my default Fenix and put one of their liveries before the default. Every livery doing this and rank the default livery to the second slot gets deleted immediately.
I have solved this by putting my addon liveries in Addon Linker, and only activating the outside livery I’m going to use. It keeps it simple, and you don’t have a ton of liveries showing in your selection window.
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Since I typically choose the same livery for each plane I fly, I always put the livery I use first.
As far as airliner liveries are concerned, I never fly airliners, so I could not care less which livery is first.