C 172 Flight Model

I’m a new student pilot and avid simmer. As new student pilot I’m acutely aware of the differences in handling between the sim and IRL. For example the plane IRL is far squirlier on the roll than in the sim. (Also the elevator authority is way too strong in the sim vs IRL, but one issue at a time.)

I can UP the sensitivity on my pedals to better mimic the sensitivity on the ground IRL… but then the yaw is WAY too sensitive, since the pedals control both,

Are there any variables akin to X-Plane, where the ground coefficient of friction can be adjusted?

I’d love to get answers on this as well. I’m not sure if my peripherals are setup well. I still find taxiing in the real C172 to be diffcult especially when doing doing a sharp turn.
If you have some downtime in the 152 it’s lighter/ touchier on the pedals and yoke.
What peripherals do you use?

MFG Crosswind pedals. Honeycomb Alpha yoke, misc others. I can adjust the sensitivity in controls options, but I can’t make ground handling more sensitive, and yaw less sensitive by doing that. :confused:

Moved to #self-service:aircraft-systems

Off subject, I saw your avatar / icon. Reminded me of a shot I took the other day!

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If you have the C172 Steam gauge version (comes with Deluxe package), the WB-Sim mod is great, and they are planning to update it soon. The dev is very responsive in Discord to questions and suggestions, and may know or even be able to incorporate some of your input into the upcoming version. I don’t know if this link will work, still a novice at Discord: Discord

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I’m not aware of a specific parameter but I know that Sebastien/Asobo has mentionned several time that the code related to ground friction is under scrutiny as coming directly from FSx. It’s been upgraded already but the path is long. WB addon is doing its best but it looks like we need improvement on the core engine itself. A lot of motivated developpers starts/ends the conversion by « based on the limitations of MSFS… »

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You could theoretically make a custom rudder curve for ground and another one for flight, but you would need to use some command to switch between them (e.g. press/hold controller key or have your throttle quadrant’s mixture lever at exactly 100%, or both toe brakes in zero position) and you would need to use OEM or third party software to do so as MSFS has no such functionality.

Possibly MFG’s software could already allow it, VKB’s does allow for linking controller key to enable a pedal curve, though to my understanding their software suite is the best of the boutique brands. If not, Joystick Gremlin does.

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I know nothing about coding, and I’m sure it’s incredibly complicated stuff… but my uneducated take on such is “If everything in the sim is coded, it stands to reason somewhere in there is a chunk of code that tells the model how to act, e.g. coefficient of friction on the ground… and that code ought to be able to be tweaked easily enough???” :thinking:

Heck, XPlane had open-source models that even allowed end users to adjust that number… :joy:

Everything is hidden into the “easily”. The core engine should be upgraded. That’s the job of Asobo. There’s some .cfg already available (for some plane, un-encrypted) but when the core engine managed the whole 3 gears as a single one, when it makes no differences between the front main gear and a tail wheel… when you have only limited numbers of value to change… etc… you have to wait that the core engine “code” be updated. All this is is a matter of priority for Asobo :wink: