C172 Classic VOR Flying - IFR/ILS (Like the FS days of old)

I have been thinking about it for some months and decided to brush off a few cobwebs.

I’ve been flying the Cessna CJ4 mainly.
But just fell in love with the Cessna Longitude that I recently purchased.

But I had a yearning to fly like the old FS days.
No GPS or AP.

So, the C172 Classic is it.

  • (Note: Both radios set to VLOC and not GPS)
  1. Tuned the top radio (GNS 530) to the ILS frequency for the runway.
    Set the OBS dial to the ILS radial.

  2. Tuned the bottom radio (GNS430) to the VOR to intercept the ILS runway radial.
    Set the OBS dial to the correct “TO” radial.

  3. Flew the bottom “To” radial until intercept.

  4. Flew the top ILS radial and glideslope to the runway.

Just flew those needles until reaching the airport and runway.
It was fun to fly.
Remember, fly “to” the needles as long a you have a “To” flag.

As they say, any flight is a good flight if you can walk away from it.


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