Mod Edit: Title corrected for typos to aid Search Engine results
When I enter a flight plan using the workd map, and I select low alt airways, the set the approach to rNav 27 L, when I go inot the flight the magenta line never appers on the MFD. Has something changed? I am flying from KDET to KPTK, which is my test rout. Hope this is enough info, let me know if you need more.
Route may be too short to pick up airways. See if it works with a slightly longer route.
Pre-selecting RNAV 27L forces the Garmin to load the approach as a Vector To Final. As a result, the first leg is off to your Northeast as you can see below. The start of that leg is way over at KALG.
You really shouldn’t preselect approaches in the World Map. Simply create an IFR plan using Direct Arrival/Automatic Approach, then select the preferred Approach while flying.
See this plan below. I picked it using the World Map. See how it says Arrivals Direct and Approach Automatic? That’s what you want. In order to do that, you have to pick a parking ramp spot and start the plane cold and dark.
See - this plan looks much better.
When you get about to Troy, climb to 3,000 and select RNAV 27L as your approach.
I know this can be a bit of a challenge but have you consider using an offline flight planner like SimBrief (usage is free, but can include Navigraph maps for a subscription) and then just loading in your flight within the g1000 once you in the sim? I find doing it way is more accurate and immersive than using the sim flight planner. IMHO